(CorrelatIon- and physics based preDiction of noisE scenaRios)
[See ongoing results here .]
Starting from semi-empiric noise source modelling of the airframe and propulsion system, 4D trajectory simulations and noise propagation computations the CIDER project explores research questions regarding noise and emissions trades. The project aims for a much deeper model validation then performed in its predecessor project SAFT. This is done by complementing physics-based models with reduced order models established from back-propagation of noise measurements. Flight data recorder (FDR) output is combined with measurements collected within the ULLA project and complemented by public database output.
After model validation has been performed the project will conduct case studies in collaboration with airlines, operators and academy. Scenarios will be down-selected for closer studies in discussion with the project steering committee consisting of Swedavia, LVF, ELISE project and project partners. Scenarios studies are derived from 4D multidisciplinary optimization for low noise solutions (project output sample in Figure 1), procedural planning for noise, future propulsion technology evaluation for low noise as well as from noise predictions for future electrification of aviation.

Project members
The project is a collaboration between Chalmers (Tomas Grönstedt and Evangelia Maria Thoma), Aurskall akustik (Ulf Tengzelius), KTH (Mats Åbom, Evelyn Otero Sola) and Novair (Ulrika Ziverts, Henrik Ekstrand). CIDER was launched in September 2019, is a 4-year project and is led by Chalmers.