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Sustainable Järva

Rehabilitating an urban district from the "million programme" in Stockholm

Published Jan 14, 2011

Industrial Ecology, is a part of the project “Sustainable Järva” co- funded by the Delegation for Sustainable Cities and City of Stockholm. The five-year Sustainable Järva project is part of the work of rehabilitating Järva's “Million Homes” legacy. Stockholm's municipal property company, Svenska Bostäder, will liaise with the residents in seven apartment blocks to improve energy efficiency in 350 homes. But the project also includes a broad commitment to invest in sustainable transport, promote cycling, and inform and educate local residents on climate and environmental issues.
Industrial Ecology , KTH are responsible for evaluation process of the project, which means that we are working with methods, forms and processes together with all the stakeholders to following the goals and ambitions that are set up in the project. The project could been seen as a pilot project in the big challenge to rehabilitate the whole million homes area of Järva.

Project leader:
Nils Brandt, associate professor, Industrial Ecology, KTH

Project team:
Nils Brand
Mari Andersson, PhD candidate

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