Published Jan 17, 2011
The Department of Industrial Ecology is carrying out two successive Erasmus-Mundus Action 4 projects SDPROMO I: Promoting European Education in Sustainable Development (2006-2008) and SDPROMO II (2008-2010), which include the study of all available Master-level programs at EU Universities that focus on sustainable development, as well as the needs analysis in such an education in Latin America, Former Soviet Union countries, China, Africa, Caribbean, South-East Asia, Meda and Gulf countries. Our EU partners are UPC (Barcelona, Spain) and TU Delft (The Netherlands).
The overall aims of the projects are:
- to promote European Education in Sustainable development
- to encourage and enable highly qualified graduates and scholars from all over the world to obtain qualifications in Sustainable Development in the European Union
- to facilitate academic mobility between European Union and third-country institutions that carry out education and research in Sustainable Development
- to facilitate introduction of Sustainable Development concept in higher education and foster environmentally aware attitudes, skills and behaviour patterns, as well as a sense of ethical responsibility within the European Union and beyond its borders.
Contact: Olga Kordas