Sustainable Fish Supply in the Stockholm region
Published Jan 17, 2011
The project aims to improve the sustainability of fish supply in the Stockholm county. Currently, only 2 % of the Stockholm county fish consumption is based on local supply despite the natural conditions are among the best in the world. The project is in a start-up phase and has so far identified five key areas of work: (i) creation of a local stakeholder network, (ii) improved governance of natural fish populations, (iii) increased aquaculture with low environmental impact, (iv) education of local administrators and entrepreneurs and (v) mobilization of consumers and commercial fish supply actors.
Björn Frostell, Industrial Ecology-KTH; Ola Öberg, Land and Water Management-KTH, Susanna Toller, Ecoloop.
For more information please contact: Ass. Professor Björn Frostell