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The listening eye: A pedagogical experience: graphic tools for thinking sound

The Sound and Music Computing group at MID kindly welcomes you all to the Sound and Music Interactions seminar #9

Time: Tue 2021-03-09 15.00

Location: Online via Zoom

Participating: Ricardo Atienza, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design

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This seminar aims at sharing the pedagogical experience of teaching and learning sound in an environment primarily focused on other sensorial dimensions (visual / tactile). The education of artists, designers & architects has traditionally been based on a number of graphic thinking methods and tools. However, sound can be regarded today as one more basic medium for these disciplines, whether it concerns video pieces, installations, virtual spaces or immersive environments in general. Students in these disciplines are in demand of new ways of thinking sound, outside the specialized frames of music, audio engineering or acoustics. Which kind of tools can we provide, relevant to their practices, skills and needs? This seminar will focus on two cases: the experience of “drawing” sounds and the auralisation of sonic spaces.

Ricardo Atienza, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design

Sound artist, PhD Architect. Senior lecturer in Sound Art at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm. Research leader for the Art Department.

Ricardo Atienza focuses his work on the situated experience of place, on the multiple embodied, social, sensorial and sensible interactions established with and within our daily environments. Sound, as a qualified experience of place becomes here a main explorative tool and material for approaching the complexity of our everyday spaces and situations. The resulting research processes adopt interdisciplinary methods and transversal public forms such as sonic-spatial installations, in-situ interventions in the public space, electroacoustic and radiophonic compositions or sound design pieces.

The seminar will be given online via Zoom. Contact the organizer to ask for the link.