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Security and Dependability Aspects of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems

Tid: Ti 2017-06-20 kl 10.00

Plats: Sal M33, Brinellvägen 64, KTH

Medverkande: Viacheslav Izosimov

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Cyber-physical systems pose today new challenges and demand new engineering paradigms that consider, as an integrated part, external states of environment, unknowns and approximations. We will look into dependability and security that are often conflicting properties to the performance and the perceived user-value. Resolving dependability and security challenges is of ultimate importance for future ultra-complex software-intensive smart systems, especially for those with autonomous and cooperative functionality, with multiple property contradictions. Future robotics is about advanced cognitive artificial intelligence controlling ultra-modular self-configurable mechatronic actuators. These actuators are not in the lab – autonomous cars already drive, soon robots will cook in your kitchen, provide medical treatment to your body and play with your kids. In my lecture, I will target current and upcoming threats in this emerging world of connectivity and unlimited computing possibilities, looking at combining of cyber-physical system properties into optimized co-existence.

Tillhör: Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM)
Senast ändrad: 2017-06-12