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ICES workshop - Systems engineering for future complex CPS

Managing the challenges of tomorrows software intensive systems
Over the next decades we will see a rapid introduction of smart functionality in existing and new systems. Additionally systems are becoming more interconnected to provide higher levels of service to its stakeholders. This development is enabled through functionality predominantly realised in software.

Tid: Ti 2018-03-13 kl 10.00 - 16.15

Plats: KTH; Brinellvägen 83, room B242

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At the same time such systems are will become ever more complex and system failure may lead to risks to humans and society. Consequently it is an open question how the development and maintenance of future systems shall be managed. Specifically:
- Will current SE practices suffice? What needs to change?
- Will future systems be considered software intensive or are they software systems?
- How to manage extra-functional properties such as safety and security and their dependencies in rapidly evolving systems and environments?
- How should industry adapt to the new challenges?
- Are new research directions required to support this development?

The full-day workshop includes two inspirational talks to set the scene for the future opportunities and challenges. This will be followed by two rounds of group discussions on aspects such as:
- Systems of systems development
- Managing safety and security in societal systems
- Achieving system resilience
- What does it mean to be agile and lean

More information and registration

Tillhör: Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM)
Senast ändrad: 2020-11-10