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The 3rd Deep Learning workshop at STH

Next Tuesday 19th of December 2017, Chunliang Wang is organizing a workshop on deep learning (see below and attached program). Please feel free to come and participate, you are all very welcome!

Location: Jonasson lab (7th floor, STH building, Flemingsberg)

Time: 19 Dec, 9:00 – 17:00

Contact person: Chunliang Wang, chunwan@kth.se, 0705721418

The 3rd Deep Learning workshop at STH.pdf (pdf 118 kB)

9:00-9:10  Introduction 
9:10-9:30  Lung nodule detection in chest x-ray images: final reports from the advanced medical engineering course, Fengkai Wan, Carlos Mata, Kui Wai Lau, (KTH) 
9:30-9:50  Mammography Classification and Nodule Detection using Deep Neural Networks, Fabian Sinzinger,(KTH) 
9:50-10:10  Survival prediction using deep features, Christofer Bustad (KI) 
10:10 -10:30  Survival prediction from early PET/CT in lung cancer, Mehdi Astaraki (KTH) 
10:30-10:45  Break 
10:45-11:05 Automatic visual ratings of brain images using CNN's, Gustav Mårtensson(KI) 
11:05-11:25  Automated Segmentation of the Meniscus, Felicia Aldrin (Episurf AB) 
11:25-11:45  TBD, Ludwig Jacobsson (ContextVision AB) 
11:45-12:05  Deep Photo Style Transfer and its application to digital pathology - a preliminary report, Amirreza Mahbod (KTH, TissueGnostics GmbH) 
12:05-12:25  Image segmentation using shape context and deep neural network, Wei Wang(KTH) 
12:25-13:30 Lunch 
13:30-14:30  Introduction to reinforce learning and lab instructions, Fabian Sinzinger, Daniel Jörgens(KTH) 
14:40-17:00  Hands-on session