Dynamic Games for Cyber Deception
TECoSA Seminar with Quanyan Zhu, Assoc Prof, Electrical & Computer Engineering at NYU and LARX
Time: Thu 2022-12-01 15.00 - 16.00
Location: KTH Campus and Zoom
Video link: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/66857695267
Language: English
ABSTRACT: Deception and anti-deception technologies are new paradigms of active cyber defense. They provide defenders a proactive and autonomous security mechanism by engaging the adversaries and influencing their moves to the defender’s advantage. Game theory captures the strategic and self-interested nature of attackers and defenders in cybersecurity. It provides an ideal set of quantitative tools to develop such a framework to analyze and design deception. In this talk, we first present a taxonomy of deception and counter-deception and understand how they can be conceptualized, quantified, and designed or mitigated. Then, we present a class of dynamic games of incomplete information to capture the fundamental characteristics of deception and demonstrate the applications of game theory and learning in problems such as attack engagement, lateral movement, and information manipulation. The talk will also discuss open problems and research challenges that the game theory community can address and contribute with an objective to build a multidisciplinary bridge between game theory and cybersecurity.
There are a few seats available if you wish to join this seminar in real life on KTH Campus! Please contact vickid @kth.se to register.
TECoSA hosts a guest speaker on the first Thursday of each month during term time. The seminars are free and all are welcome to attend. This Autumn, all seminars will be available via Zoom (with some also IRL at KTH Campus). Please see the TECoSA Seminar Series homepage for details! www.tecosa.center.kth.se/tecosa-seminar-series/