Master's Theses
2020 Anna von Schantz Influence of Facemask in Ice Hockey, 30 credits (KTH)
2020 Mariam Bayat & Nichakarn Pongpairote Arm Injury Prediction with THUMS SAFER: Improvements of the THUMS SAFER upper extremity , 30 credits(KTH)
2020 Nicole Valle Olivera Modeling and Evaluation of a Finite Element Cervical Spinal Cord for Injury Assessment , 30 credits (KTH)
2019 Adalheidur Gunnarsdóttir Evaluation of Test Methods for Football Helmets Using Finite Element Simulations , 30 credits (KTH)
2019 Kristín Sverrisdóttir Improvements and Validation of THUMS Upper Extremity – Refinements of the Elbow Joint for Improved Biofidelity , 30 credits (KTH)
2019 Rebekka Sverrisdóttir Concussion in Soccer: The Effictiveness of Protective Headbands in Head-to-Head Impacts Using Finite Element Method, 30 poäng (KTH)
2019 Simon Söderlund Concussion in ice hockey with focus on shoulder impacts, 30 poäng (KTH)
2019 Ekant Mishra Concussions in Ice Hockey: Accident Reconstructions Using Finite Element Simulations , 30 credits (KTH)
2018 Brynjar Hilmarsson, Shock Absorbing Flooring For Elderly Homes: Study of Shock Absorption of Head Impacts and Rolling Resistance , 30 credits (KTH)
2018 Anna Pogosian, Finite Element Analysis of Osseointegrated Transfemoral Implant: Indentification of how the Length of Implant Affects the Stress Distribution in Cortical Bone and Implant
2018 Qiantailang Yuan, The Performance of the Depth Camera in Capturing Human Body Motion for Biomechanical Analysis , 30 credits (KTH)
2017 Zohreh Alaei, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Axonal Membrane in Traumatic Brain Injury , 30 credits (KTH)
2017 Marcus Arnesen & Erik Jungstedt, American football helmet, material testing and FEM modelling, 30 credits (KTH)
2017 Hildigunnur Katrínardóttir, Finite Element Modeling of Chest Compressions in CPR , 30 credits (KTH)
2017 Carl Magnusson & Gustav Söderström, Materialkarakterisering av skum i ishockeyhjälmar , 15 credits (KTH)
2017 Giuliana Mozzi, Finite Element Modeling of an Innovative Headband: A study about the headband design and its safety properties , credits (KTH)
2017 Silvia Pezzutti, Age–Related Perspectives on the Biomechanics of Traumatic Injury 30 credits (KTH)
2017 Isotta Rigoni, FE-Modelling and Material Characterization of Ice-Hockey Helmet , 30 credits (KTH)
2016 Frida Andersson, Finite Element Modeling of Skull Fractures: Material model improvements of the skull bone in theKTH FE head model , 30 credits (KTH)
2016 Tua Beskow, Hip impact of the FE-model THUMS: Model adaptation and validation followed by an evaluation of the KTH developed shock absorbing floor system
2016 Natalie Hendrikse, Development of a Novel Selection Method for Protease Engineering: A high-throughput fluorescent reporter-based method for characterization and selection of proteases
2016 Xuelong Fan, Kinematic analysis of traumatic brain injuries in boxing using finite element simulations , 30 credits, KTH
2015 Solayman El Masoudi, Finite element modelling of a pedestrian impact dummy , 30 credits KTH
2015 Viktor Lison Almkvist, FE-Analysis of Stabilization of Cervical Spine Fracture in Ankylosing Spondylitis , 30 credits (KTH)
2015 Julianne Okan, Development of a Fall-Injury Reducing Flooring System in Geriatric Care: with focus on improving the models used in the biomechanical simulations and evaluating the first test area (Utveckling av ett fallskadereducerande golvsystem i äldrevården : med fokus på att förbättra modellerna som används i de biomekaniska simuleringarna samt att utvärdera den första testytan ), 30 credits (KTH), KTH
2015 Catherine Lef, Guillaume Dolange, Förståelse av Underbensskador i Frontalkrockar : En Multivariat Analys , 30 credits (KTH), KTH
2015 Maria Jönsson, Malin Boije, Biomechanical Simulations of a Flywheel Exercise Device in Microgravity (Biomekaniska simuleringar av resistansgivande svänghjulsbaserad träningsutrustning i tyngdlöshet), 30 credits (KTH), KTH
2014 Sergio Christioan Carnevale Lon, A new helmet testing method to assess potential damages in the Brain and the head due to rotational energy , 30 credits (KTH), KTH
2014 Simon Lundberg, Evaluation of a Motion Simulation Platform for Vestibulo-Ocular Research (Utvärdering av en rörelsesimuleringsplatform för vestibulo-okulär forskning), 30 poäng, KTH
2014 Elin Mignérus, Analysis of the neuronavigation market for development of a new technology: need validation and market aspects (Analys av marknaden för neuronavigation för utveckling av en ny teknik: behovsvalidering och marknadsaspekter ), 30 credits (KTH)
2014 Cassandra Jernberg, A Computational Model for Fracture Healing Integrated with Mechanical Stimulation and Growth Factors , 30 credits (KTH)
2014 Katarina Andersson, Optimization of the Implantation Angle for a Talar Resurfacing Implant : A Finite Element Study (Optimering av Implanteringsvinkeln för ett Ytåterskapande Talusimplantat : En Studie Utförd med Finita Element Metoden), 30 credits (KTH)
2014 Sofia Dahlgren, Evaluation of a Flooring System to Help Reduce Fall-Related Injuries among Elderly: A Compilation of Requirements together with Hip Impact Simulations, using a Computational Human Body Model , 30 credits (KTH)
2013 Johan Ahlberg, Jie Yu Wang, Utveckling av en teoretisk elektrokemisk apparatur för vattentransport i hjärnvävnad , 15 credits, KTH
2013 Martin Paulsen, Simulation driven pre-operative planning for the treatment of hallux rigidus : A novel concept of implant assessment , 30 credits (KTH)
2013 Marco Antonio Marra, Study of dens fracture in the elderly and the influence of osteoporosis with a finite element model , 30 credits (KTH)
2013 Anna Elfström, Anna Grunditz, Evaluation of Sternum Closure Techniques Using Finite Element Analysis (Utvärdering av stängningstekniker för sternum med hjälp av finita elementmetoden), 30 credits (KTH)
2013 Josefina Falck, Effect of side windows, stiffening plate and roof sheet on the stiffness of the bus body (Effekt av sidorutor, livplåt och takplåt för busskarossens styvhet), 30 credits (KTH)
2013 David Morén, Georg Pers, Study of Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Interactions with FEM – Evaluation of Upper Leg Test Methods using a Human Body Model (Studie av Fotgängarkollisioner med FEM – Utvärdering av Testmetoder för Lårben/Höft med en Humanmodell), 30 credits (KTH)
2013 Carolyn Langen, A patient-specific poroelastic model of a brain with a subdural hematoma , 30 credits (KTH)
2012 Mahsa Fatahi, Progression of Multiple Sclerosis related atrophy, evaluated by an MRI-based FSL volumetric method, 30 credits (KTH)
2012 Arna Oskarsdottir, Finite element analysis of infant skull trauma using CT images , 30 credits (KTH)
2012 Chiara Giordano, Connecting DTIs Mechanical Anisotropy to a Hyper-Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Brain Tissue, 30 credits (KTH)
2012 Roya Khajavibajestani, Combined Whole Brain Segmentation and DT-MRI Using 3D Slicer, 30 credits (KTH)
2012 Victor S. Alvarez, Evaluation of contact definitions in a Finite Element model of the human cervical musculature, 30 credits (KTH)
2012 Liyi Zhao, Video analysis of head kinematics in boxing matches using OpenCV library under Macintosh platform, 30 poäng, Uppsala Universitet (examinerad av UU)
2011 Laura Marlene Geissler, Finite element modelling of the human jaw for biomechanical simulations, 30 credits (KTH)
2011 Yang Yang, Water content quantification using T1 weighted NMR images, 30 poäng, Uppsala Universitet (examinerad av UU)
2010 Amirhossein Manzouri, Tract based statistics of white matter analysis, 30 credits (KTH)
2009 Madelen Fahlstedt, Simulation of a Coach Accident with LS DYNA, 30 credits (KTH)
2009 Jeroen Ceelen, A dynamic 3D finite-element model of the mechanical effects of implantable microelectrodes in the cerebral cortex, 15 poäng, Einthoven Tekniska Universitet
2009 Enrico Pellegrini, Kinematic evaluation of traumatic brain injuries in boxing, 30 credits (KTH)
2007 Bram Trachet, Measurements of strain in brain tissue using ultrasound, 30 credits (KTH)
2006 Li Johansson, Identifying spine injury mechanisms in car crashes, 30 credits (KTH)
2006 Terese Bergman, Identifying spine injury mechanisms in car crashes, 30 credits (KTH)
2006 Daniel Lanner, Implementation of a new Material Model for Brain Tissue in LS-DYNA, 30 credits (KTH)
2005 Jenny Ceasar, Segmentation of the brain from MR images, 30 poäng, Linköpings Universitet (examinerad by LiU)
2004 Finn Lennartson, Intracranial Pressure Measurement with the Aid of a Numerical Head Model, 30 credits (KTH)
2004 Axel Nordberg, Cardiac Strain Analysis From Tagged MRI, 30 credits (KTH)
2001 I Leijonhufvud, Development of an inner car roof design and implementation of muscles in a numerical model of the human neck, 30 credits (KTH)
2001 M Emanuel, The impact of viscoelasticity in finite element modeling of the cervical spine, 30 credits (KTH)
1999 Karin Brolin, Fracture fixation of the cervical spine: an experimental and numerical analysis, 30 credits (KTH)