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Imaging diagnostics and AI

Lunch seminar with Christel Sundberg, Mats Danielsson as well as Claes Lundström from Sectra. Free lunch sandwich for the 50 first students.

Tid: To 2019-01-31 kl 12.00 - 13.00

Plats: KTH Entré

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Christel Sundberg: Computer Simulations and measurements for optimisation of imaging performance
Mats Danielsson: The next generation Medical Imaging: Photon Counting CT

KTH is one of the world leaders in research and development of the next generation software and hardware for medical imaging for Computed Tomography. This is a major workhorse in hospitals today in emergency rooms and for diagnose of cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer. We will outline how increased spatial resolution and improved tissue differentiation can improve the future healthcare with more precise diagnosis and also how we work with synchrotron radiation experiments and computer simulations as tools to evaluate new ideas.

Claes Lundström: Putting AI to use in medical imaging

AI has proven its potential to catalyze great improvements in healthcare, in both precision and efficiency. While the positive experimental results are massive, almost nothing has yet reached routine clinical use. This talk will cover the challenges in going from the AI lab to the real world, and what Sectra is doing to address those challenges in imaging diagnostics. One such initiative is the national innovation arena AIDA.