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Frukostmöte "Collaboration in the built environment innovation ecosystems"

Tid: To 2022-12-08 kl 08.00 - 09.00

Plats: Digitalt via Zoom

Språk: Engelska

Medverkande: TeknD Olli Vigren, KTH

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Välkommen till Frukostmöte om Collaboration in the built environment innovation ecosystems.

Olli Vigren, PhD
Olli Vigren, PhD

Research and development have brought many new digital technologies to the built environment sector. These technologies can create better buildings and cities; and more broadly, to raise living standards and protect the planet, as technological innovation is one of the most effective tools for meeting Sustainability Goals. However, the desired impact of technologies will not be achieved if they are not implemented in the built environment sector.

This breakfast seminar focuses on overcoming the challenges related to the adoption of new digital technologies in the built environment sector and will guide you how to build fruitful collaborations for innovation.

Datum: 8 december

Tid: 08.00-09.00

Mötet hålls via Zoom och länk erhålls vid anmälan.


