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How do we help our students become meta-crisis relevant?

Interactive seminar

In this dialogue and interactive seminar at Climate Action Centre, Daniel Schmachtenberger (The Consilience Project)  and Elina Eriksson (Sustainable Futures Lab, KTH) will discuss and share insights on what capacities our students need for the future, and how to train them. This also entails discussing how we as a technical university need to transform in order to be able to give this training to our students.

Tid: Må 2023-09-11 kl 17.00 - 19.00

Plats: KTH Climate Action Centre House, Teknikringen 43

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The world is facing a multitude of interlinked crises with potential existential risk not only for the individual but for the whole civilization and life on earth. In this meta crisis, we have gone past wicked problems or even super wicked problems, and are instead facing predicaments that have no simple technical solutions. Instead we need to urgently work on several timescales, with different levels of focus, and where the work we need to do also needs to be omni-positive and regenerative.

In this dialogue and interactive seminar at Climate Action Centre, Daniel Schmachtenberger (The Consilience Project) and Elina Eriksson (Sustainable Futures Lab, KTH) will discuss and share insights on what capacities our students need for the future, and how to train them. This also entails discussing how we as a technical university need to transform in order to be able to give this training to our students.

The attendees are highly encouraged to read this text on technology design (consilienceproject.org)  before the event. We would also highly encourage the attendees to listen to this podcast episode on AI (youtube.com) .

About Daniel Schmachtenberger

Daniel Schmachtenberger is a founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sensemaking and dialogue. The throughline of his interests has to do with ways of improving the health and development of individuals and society, with a virtuous relationship between the two as a goal. Towards these ends, he’s had particular interest in the topics of catastrophic and existential risk, civilization and institutional decay and collapse as well as progress, collective action problems, social organization theories, and the relevant domains in philosophy and science.


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