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Conference KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2015

KTH conference in Higher education, 12 of march 2015. This is a conference for teachers working at KTH.

Tid: To 2015-03-12 kl 08.30 - 17.30

Plats: KTH campus Valhallavägen


Sara Nyberg

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Welcome to KTH’s first educational conference, KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2015, KTH Sotl. The conference is open for everyone interested in higher education at KTH. The main purpose of the conference is to stimulate our teachers to develop their teaching and learning by documenting and sharing their educational efforts. It provides thus an opportunity for the contributors to develop their individual pedagogical portfolios. The conference is free of charge. KTH Sotl is hosted by KTH/ECE, School of Education and Communication in Engineering Science/Teaching and learning in Higher Education.

Tillhör: KTH Intranät
Senast ändrad: 2015-01-14