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Matchmaking Event – Data Science and Medical/Clinical Research

Region Stockholm/KTH

Photo: Tara Winstead/Pexels

Matchmaking event between researchers within Data Science and Medical/Clinical research at KTH and Region Stockholm, related to the Health, Medicine and Technology Project Call 2023.

Tid: To 2022-04-28 kl 15.00 - 17.00

Plats: SciLifeLab, Tomtebodavägen 23, Air&Fire Lecture hall, at the same floor as the main lobby

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Region Stockholm and KTH will open the yearly call for collaboration in Health, Medicine and Technology 14 April, 2022. A key requirement to apply for this call is that one of the partners should be from KTH and one from Region Stockholm.

More information about the call, in Swedish


The event is open for all researchers at KTH and Region Stockholm who are eligible to submit a grant proposal for the Health, Medicine and Technology Project Call. Postdoctoral researchers who can be co-PI are encouraged to attend the event. 


We want to encourage collaboration between experts in data science and clinical research.

The purpose of this matchmaking event is:

  • bringing together researchers with expertise in data science and clinical research, respectively
  • making researchers aware of the opportunities and limitations of data analysis and of access to experimental/clinical data
  • making researchers aware of the need for continuous and bi-directional interaction between data scientists and clinicians.

We hope that this event will facilitate your search for suitable research partners and help you prepare a strong grant application, for this call as well for other future calls.

Tentative program at 15-17 (followed by mingle with light food and drinks)

  • Information about the call and its scope
  • Short talks about experience in collaboration between clinicians and data scientists
  • Research pitches (2 min) based on your Powerpoint slides
  • Group discussions
  • Mingle (with light food and drinks)

What you need to do

  • Fill in the registration form  no later than 22 April, 2022
  • Provide us with two Powerpoint slides describing what you would like to do, can contribute with, or would like to get help with. These slides will be available to all participants before the workshop, to let everybody scan through the scope of the other participants, and they will help us form discussion groups.
    Please note: The slides are not needed at registration. You will be asked to upload them one week before the workshop.
  • For those interested: prepare a two-minute research pitch (based on your Powerpoint presentation) to present at the workshop.

Register here

The event is organised by the KTH Life Science Platform  and KTH Digitalization Platform