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Political, economic and societal aspects of human space flight

Tid: Må 2018-02-26 kl 13.00 - 15.00

Plats: Lecture hall E3, Osquars backe 14

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As part of the SD2905 Human Spaceflight course a panel debate on “Political, economic and societal aspects of human space flight” will be arranged with panel members invited from the space industry. The panel debate is open to everyone who is interested, warmly welcome!

The participants are:

Anna Rathsman - Senior Vice President Technology & Innovation and President Technology SSC (The Swedish Space Corporation)

Karin Nilsdotter - CEO Space Travel Alliance and CEO Spaceport Sweden

Mathias Sundin - Member of parliament (Liberalerna)

Sven Grahn - Former Technical Director of SSC (Swedish Space Corporation), Project leader for MIST

Innehållsansvarig:Ceona Lindstein
Tillhör: KTH Rymdcenter
Senast ändrad: 2018-02-20