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Anna Holmquist

Profile picture of Anna Holmquist

About me

Anna Holmquist is one of the founders of the art and design studio Folkform.
Folkform first entered the public spotlight with their experimental work with materials, especially Masonite where flowers and plants are pressed into the boards – giving them a brand new expression. Folkform has also become an international name and has received several prestigious design awards. Their work can be found in the permanent design exhibition at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm and in The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo, to mention a few places.

Anna Holmquist is also working with interdisciplinary design research, at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, focusing on materials. She has been an invited lecturer at Konstfack University College of Art, Beckmans School of Design and many other universities and institutions in Sweden.

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Profile picture of Anna Holmquist