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[6]  Main supervisor for PhD student Lina Hartmann, University of Gothenburg (2023-)

[5]  Main supervisor for PhD student Stijn Weegberg, University of Gothenburg (2023-2024)

[4]  Main supervisor for PhD student Johannes Tröndle, University of Gothenburg (2023-2024)

[3]  Assistant supervisor for PhD student Alisa Chabanyuk, University of Gothenburg. Expected to finalize in 2025.

[2]  Assistant supervisor for PhD student Madeleine Englund, University of Gothenburg. Expected to finalize in 2025.

[1]  Assistant supervisor for PhD student Hans Lundin, KTH. Expected to finalize in 2025.




[7]  Assistant supervisor for PhD student Ingrid Ros (KTH, PhD 2023). 

[6]  Main supervisor for PhD student Andra Riandita (KTH, PhD 2020).

[5]  Assistant supervisor for PhD student Per Fagrell (KTH, PhD 2020).

[4]  Assistant supervisor for PhD student Malin Ryttberg (KTH, PhD 2020).

[3]  Main supervisor for Ed Saeidi (KTH, PhD 2019).

[2]  Main supervisor for Monia Lougui (KTH, PhD 2018).

[1] Assistant supervisor for Gulzat Elvung (KTH, PhD 2016)