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T-uck - the User-Centrerad Knowledge Modelling tool

Modeling with the User-Centrerad Knowledge Model (t-UCK)

The User-Centred Knowledge model (t-UCK) is centred to the users to support them to create models of the domain knowledge. In t-UCK is it important that the knowledge is visualised. It is to visualise domain knowledge, reasoning strategies and functionality through graphic diagrams. For the reminding and to make sure that the diagrams are useful, diagrams similar to the different diagrams in UML (Unified Modeling Language) are used. UML is used to modelling object-oriented systems, why the diagrams in t-UCK are modified to support modelling of production rules, which are used in rule-based systems.

Since t-UCK model is adopted to all kinds of users, the diagrams should not only be used by the knowledge engineer to develop a system. Also the domain expert should use the diagrams to verify and validate the domain knowledge to assure correctness, consistency and completeness. The end users, on the other hand, should use the diagrams to understand the knowledge. Consequently, t-UCK is a tool that should be used for modelling, implementing and testing (verification and validation) but also consulting (advisory) and education.

The t-UCK model

t-UCK model has been developed during several years. The work with the modelling using UML began 2000 and have been developed, changed and improved continuously. During this time several papers have been written and implementation of several diagrams, in Prolog versus Java with Tcl/Tk.

The model has been used to develop several knowledge-based systems using rules but also knowledge management systems (KMS). The technique for developing these systems are similar.

For more information see:

t-UCK Modelling Tool

Task using t-UCK (an example)