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Extended CV



Docent in Computer Aided Design, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, March 1999.

PhD in Computer Aided Design, Luleå University of Technology, January 1994. Title: Modelling and simulation of mechanical systems with displacement limitations.

Tech. Lic. in Computer Aided Design, Luleå University of Technology, January 1992.

MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, August 1988.



Professor in Vehicle Dynamics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, May 2000 –.

Vice President for Research, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden,  January 2017 – December 2022.

Professor in Computer Aided Design, Luleå University of Technology, January – April 2000.

Lecturer, Luleå University of Technology, January 1994 – December 1999.

PhD student, Luleå University of Technology, September 1988 – December 1993.


Leadership experience

Division leader for Vehicle Engineering and Technical Acoustics (Research groups Vehicle Dynamics, Rail Vehicles, Conceptual Vehicle Design and MWL) at the Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Engineering Sciences, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, January 2024 –.

Chairman ASP KTH Scania, May 2012 –. Coordinates the deepened collaboration within the Arena for Strategic Partnership between KTH and Scania CV AB.

Unit leader for the SMAB unit (Research groups Vehicle Dynamics, Rail Vehicles and Conceptual Vehicle Design) at the Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Engineering Sciences, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, April 2023 – December 2023.

Vice President for Research, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, January 2017 – December 2022. Responsible for external research funding and tools for research collaborations. Leading the Research Assessment Exercise - RAE 2021, for increasing quality of research at KTH. Included all reseach groups at KTH, 90 invited experts as well as writing the Summary report.

Senior advisor to KTH Transport Platform, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, September 2011 – January 2017.

Senior advisor to VINNOVAs Excellence Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, April 2011 – January 2017.

Chairman and Director of CVER - Center of Vehicle Engineering Research at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, September 2001 – May 2012. Coordinated the strategic collaboration between KTH and Scania CV AB.

Director of KTH Transport Platform, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, May 2009 – August 2011. Built up the KTH Transport Platform including more than 800 researchers, including the joint strategy and plan for Transport Research at KTH.

Vice chairman of VINNOVAs Excellence Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design, Royal Institute of Technology, June 2009 – March 2011.

Director of VINNOVAs Excellence Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design, Royal Institute of Technology, February 2006 – June 2009. Partners KTH, AB Volvo, A2Zound by Semcon, Banverket, Bombardier Transportation, Saab Automobile, Scania CV AB, Trafikverket and VTI.

Head of Division of KTH Vehicle Dynamics, May 2000 – July 2010.

Coordinator of the Green Vehicle National University Programme. An educational cooperation between 5 Universities, 4 vehicle manufacturers and governmental authorities (KTH, Chalmers, LTH, LTU, LiTH, Scania CV AB, AB Volvo, Saab Automobile, Volvo Cars and Vinnova), 2003 – 2007.

Director of “JVTC-Järnvägstekniskt centrum” (Luleå Center of Railway Engineering), Luleå University of Technology 1999 – 2000.

Leadership Education: HeLP9, SUHF higher leadership programme, 2017 – 2018.

Leadership Education: VINNOVAs leadership programme “Uppdrag ledare”, 2008 – 2010.

Leadership Education: “Framtidens ledare i Norrbotten”, 1999.

Leadership Education: ”Akademiskt ledarskap”, LTU, 1998.

Citation from the KTH International RAE 2008, REPORT PANEL 7: APPLIED MECHANICS, UoA: Vehicle Engineering, Strong Groups/Persons: “Annika Stensson Trigell is a vital leader.”

Recognized in Marquis Who´s Who in the World, February 2012 –.


Current commissions

Member in LUT Research and Impact Assessment (RIA2024) international expert panel, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Finland, 2024 –.

Member of the evaluation committee of FFI - Zero emissions, 2023 –.

Member of the evaluation committee of FFI - Sustainable mobility, 2023 –.

Member of KTH working group for UKÄ's thematic evaluation of collaboration, 2023 –.

Member of the thematic comitte World-class knowledge at IVA Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, (ledamot i temaråd Kunskap i världsklass), 2022 –.

Member of the board of ITRL - Integrated Transport Research Lab (, 2017 –.

Member of the board of Treesearch (, 2017 –.

Elected member in IVA - Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Unit 1: Mechanical Engineering, 2009  –.


Past commissions

Member of the board of WASP – Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Programme (, January 2017 – May 2023.

Member of the board of WISE - Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for Sustainability (, 2022 – April 2023.

National representative for Sweden and member of the board of directors of EBRAINS ( and EBP - European Brain Project, March 2022 – February 2023.

Member of the board of Wallenberg Wood Science Center (, 2019 – February 2023.

Member of the board of MISTRA Terraclean (, 2018 – February 2023.

Member of the board of MedTechLabs (, 2017 – February 2023.

Member of the board of SciLifeLab (, June 2020 – February 2023.

Member of the National Reference Group for the NT Council at VR - Swedish Science foundation, 2017 – February 2023.

Member of the steering group for Akademin, Industrin och försvaret lyfter rymden, 2022.

Member of the steering group of Fordonsdalen Stockholm project. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, 2020 – February 2023.

Chairman and member of the board of Digital Futures (, 2020 – 2022.

Chairman and member of the board of CDIS – Centre for Cyber Defence and Information Security (, 2020 – 2022.

Chairman in the steering group of the pilot project for Cybercampus Sweden (, 2022.

Chairman and member of the board of BIBCAP - Vinnova/KTH project, 2017 – 2022.

Member of the board of the SIP Drive Sweden (, 2019 – 2022.

Member of the steering group of the project SKÖN – Samverkansintegrerat Kvalitetssystem för Ökat Nyttiggörande, (, 2017 – 2020

Member of the comitte of IVA Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Unit 1: Mechanical Engineering (ledamot i beredningsgrupp för IVA Avd 1), 2017 – 2019.

Member of the board of Grön bostad (, 2017 – 2019.

Member of the board of SNIC - Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (, 2018 – 2019.

Member of the Board of the Structural Funds Partnership Stockholm (European Regional Development and Social Fund Stockholm), 2017 – 2018.

Member of the board of SIP InfraSweden 2030 (, 2017 – 2019.

Member of the board of KTH Space Center (, 2017 – 2019.

Member of board of Swedish Brain Institute, 2017. 

Member of the Strategic Council at the ITM School at KTH, 2017.

Member of the Swedish Steel Prize jury, 2016 – 2019, 2023.

Member of the Assessment Group within Engineering Sciences at STINT, 2016 – 2017.

Member of the Faculty Assembly at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015 – 2017.

Member of the evaluation committee of FFI - Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation, within the areas Traffic safety and autonomous systems and Bicycles and vehicles in safe and smart collaboration for a sustainable future, 2015 – 2017.

Member of expert panel within Mechanical and Electrical Engineering for Academy of Finland, 2014.

Member of Polhem Prize Nomination Committee, the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers, 2013 – 2017.

Member of the Quality Assurance Board for the Research Programme “Swedish National Aeronautics Research Programme - NFFP” at VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, 2013 – 2015.

Reviewer to Dutch Technology Foundation, Netherlands, 2015.

Reviewer to Aalto University, Finland, 2015, 2016, 2019.

Commissioned by the Swedish Government to be a member in EUN, The Energy Research and Development Board for the Swedish Energy Agency, 2012 – 2019.

One of the initiators to, and the academic member of the Board (representing all academia in Sweden), for the Swedish "Forum for Transport Innovation“, 2011 – 2017.

Member of the steering group of Thematic Area 1: Systems & Tools, within SHC – Swedish Hybrid Vehicle Centre, 2008 – 2017.

One of the PI:s and member of management group of TRENoP – Transport Research Environment with Novel Perspectives. A national transport strategic research area in collaboration between KTH, LiU and VTI, 2010 – 2017.

Academic member of ERTRAC - European Road Transport Research Advisory Council, representing Safety, 2003 – 2015 (One among 4 academic members in Europe).

Member of UP Transport at the Swedish Energy Agency, 2008 – 2010 and 2011–2013.

Member in the interim group for the formation of the Swedish ”Forum for transport innovations“, 2011.

National Delegate for Sweden in FISITA (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Ingénieurs des Techniques de l'Automobile), 2002 – 2005.

One of the initiators and member of Transport Advisory Board for the IVA (Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences) project “Transport 2030”, 2009 – 2011.

Member of the Board of Energy Agency Excellence Centre CICERO, 2006 – 2010.

Member of the Board of Energy Agency Excellence Centre EKC2, 2006 – 2009.

Member in the evaluation committee for the area of Technical Mechanics within VR - the Swedish Research Council, 1999 – 2002 and 2004.

Represented the Swedish Universities in the work to develop the National Research Programme IVSS, Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems, 2001 – 2003.

Member in the Board of SVEA Sweden and SVEA EAST (Swedish Automotive Engineering Association, “SAE Sweden”) 2000 – 2005.

Commissioned by the Swedish Government to be a member in the Board of the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, 2002 – 2005.

Member of the Board for the Research Programme “TIP, Product Development for the Manufacturing Industry” at VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, 2001 –2003.

Member of the Board for the Research Programme, “Innovative Vehicles and Systems” at VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, 2003 – 2005.

Member of the Board for the Research Programme, “VINN Excellence Center 2004 (within Transport)” at VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, 2003 – 2006.

Member of the Board for the Research Programme “Energy Systems in Road Vehicles” at the Swedish Energy Agency, 2003 – 2006.

Member of the Advisory Council for SSF, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, 2003 –2010.

Member of the Quality Assurance Group for the ”Manufacturing Engineering Research Area” MERA-programme at VINNOVA, 2005 – 2009.

External evaluator of Automotive Research at the HAN University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, April 21-23, 2010.

Reviewer to “Ingvar Carlsson Award” from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, 2005.


Commissions within the research community of vehicle dynamics

Member in the Scientific Committee of AVEC Symposium 2024, “Advanced Vehicle Control”, Milan University of Technology, Italy.

Member in the Scientific Committee of IAVSD Symposium 2023, Ottawa, Canada.

Member in the Scientific Committee of AVEC Symposium 2022, “Advanced Vehicle Control”, Kanagava University of Technology, Japan.

Member in the Scientific Committee of IAVSD Symposium 2021, St Petersburg, Russia.

Member in the Program Committee of Euroscience Policy Forum 2021.

Member in the Scientific Committee of AVEC Symposium 2018, “Advanced Vehicle Control”, Beijing, China. Jointly organized by Tsinghua University and Beihang University.

Member in the Scientific Committee of IAVSD Symposium 2017, CQUniversity, Queensland, Australia.

Member in the Scientific Committee of AVEC Symposium 2016, “Advanced Vehicle Control”, University of Munich, Germany.

Member in the Scientific Committee of the 26nd CIRP Design Conference, KTH, Sweden 2016.

Member in the Scientific Committee of IAVSD Symposium 2015, University of Graz, Austria.

Co-director of the NATO ASI on Advanced autonomous vehicle design for severe environments, Coventry University, UK, 13-18 July, 2014.

Member in Scientific Committee and Organizing Committee for International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology - HVTT12, September 16-19, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.

Symposium chairman (together with Prof. M. Berg) for the 21st International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, IAVSD ’09, August 17 – 21, 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. 240 delegates from 30 countries.

Vice Chairman for the scientific committee for the TRA´06 conference "Transport Research Arena", in Gothenburg, Sweden, 2005 – 2006. The first TRA-conference.

Chairman at PhD disputation: 9 times.

Member in the evaluation committee at PhD disputation: 21 times.

Opponent at PhD disputation: 2 times.

Opponent for licentiate thesis: 3 times.

Consulted as expert in the evaluation of candidates to a Professorship, Readership and Associate Professorship: 24 times.


Scholarships and prizes

Awarded the Håkan Frisinger Foundation for Transportation Research 2011 for the scientific excellence in automotive dynamics, initiating and leading the KTH Transport platform and coordinating the Green Vehicle’s National University program in collaboration with the Swedish automotive industry. Håkan Frisinger was the CEO of Volvo in 1983–1987 and Chairman of the Board of Volvo in 1997–1999. The award was presented by the Håkan Frisinger Foundation on a dedicated seminar on March 15, 2012 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Awarded the Curt Boström scholarship, 1994.


Knowledge exchange and entrepreneurial achievements

One of the initiators to Forum for Transport Innovation ( that brought together stakeholders in the transport sector wishing to play a part in creating a climate of innovation that will enable common solutions to be achieved.

One of the initiators to, and close collaboration with over 9 companies through VINNOVA Excellence Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design, annual budget 25 Mkr where over 1/3 are industrial sponsors.

Responsible for the development and coordination of the Green Vehicle National University Programme, (an educational cooperation between Vinnova, KTH, Chalmers, LTH, LTU, LiTH, Scania, Volvo, Saab Automobile and Volvo Cars), Resulted in development of 5 joint courses and education of over 600 students, 2003 – 2007. Now in curricula at respective university.

Developed and examiner for undergraduate courses and Ph.D. courses during the last 30 years in Vehicle System Technology, Vehicle Dynamics, Vehicle Systems for a Better Environment, Mechanical Vibrations, Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Design, Project Course in Environmentally Friendly Vehicles, Bachelor Thesis in Vehicle Engineering and Master Thesis in Vehicle Engineering.

Examiner and supervisor for more than 250 Master thesis and 80 Bachelor thesis.

Contributed in children TV-programs “Hjärnkontoret”, as well as scientific TV-programs “UR om forskare”, Radioprograms “Vetenskapsradion” and magazines “Ny Teknik, Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Industri mm”, to increase the public interest in engineering sciences.

For example:

TV program UR “Forskare funderar: Handklapp och Ekvationer” om att en liten ekvation kan rymma en stor komplexitet (in Swedish). Broadcasted at SVT1 2008-06-08 22:55, SVT1 2008-06-10 11:26, SVT1 2010-03-28 22:55, Kunskapskanalen 2009-05-02 22:57, SVT2 2010-03-30 14:55.


Contributed with invited presentations in several symposia, conferences and celebrations.

For example:

A. Stensson Trigell.  Forskning inom framtida transportsystem. Jubilee seminar (in Swedish) ”Människan, tekniken och affären i framtidens transportsystem”, IVA - Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, January 21, 2019.

A. Stensson Trigell. Evaluation of electrified vehicle behaviour using the KTH Research Concept Vehicle. Finale of SHC II, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 4, 2015.

A. Stensson Trigell. Akademins bidrag till framtida innovationer. TREFF14, Transporteffektivitetsdagen, Gothenburg, Sweden, August, 27, 2014.

A. Stensson Trigell. Steering system characteristics influence on driver-vehicle interaction. University of Sevilla, Spain, 2012-06-27.

A. Stensson Trigell. Transport 2030 – förslag till ett forum för strategiutveckling i transportsektorn – Akademins perspektiv. (In English ”Transport2030 – Proposal for a forum for strategy development in the transport sector – perspective of academia”), Transportforum, Linköping, Sweden, January 12, 2011.

A. Stensson Trigell, H. Niklasson and B. Olsson. Exempel på och erfarenheter av olika samarbetsformer. (In English: ”Examples and experiences of different collaborations”). IVA Seminar; Samverkan inom svensk transportforskning. (In English: Seminar by the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences about Collaborations within Swedish Transport Research”). IVA, Stockholm, April 29, 2010.

A. Stensson Trigell, Lätta fordon med mindre motstånd. Teknik & Tillväxt. Grön teknik – hot eller möjlighet? KTH, Stockholm, April 1, 2009.

A. Stensson, Vem styr – du eller bilen? Celebration seminar for Anders Flodström, KTH, Stockholm, November 30, 2004.

A. Stensson, Kaos i maskineriet. Installationsföreläsning, KTH´s installationshögtid, (The KTH ceremonial occasion for conferment of doctoral degrees and inauguration of new professors), November 21, 2000.


Main advisor for licentiate thesis

Lars Drugge. Modelling and Simulation of the Dynamic Behaviour of Railway Current Collection Systems. Licentiate Thesis 1998:07, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Banverket, Schunk Nordiska

Ansel Berghuvud. Curving performance of Ore Wagons with Three-Piece Bogies. Licentiate Thesis 1999:06. Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Banverket, SJ, LKAB

Tobias Larsson. Effective Development of Dynamic Systems – A Structured Approach. Licentiate Thesis 1999:40. Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Banverket, Schunk Nordiska

Jenny Jerrelind. Effects of Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems. Licentiate Thesis TRITA-FKT 2001:03, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with INDEX – a Braille printer manufacturer

Jonas Jarlmark. Driver-Vehicle Interaction under Influence of Crosswind Gusts. Licentiate thesis TRITA-FKT 2002:18, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Volvo Cars, AB Volvo and VTI

Peter Holen. A Study on Passive Damping in Heavy Vehicles. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2004:03, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Scania CV AB

Johan Andreasson. Hybrid Electric Vehicles – Aspects on Driving Dynamics and Vehicle Architecture. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2004:15, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with AB Volvo, BAE Systems, Saab Automobile, GM, VTEC, Volvo Cars

Pia Harèll. Pantograph-Catenary Interaction – Aspects on Pantograph Dynamics and Critical Catenary Sections. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2004:23, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Banverket

Magnus Juhlin. A Study on Crosswind Sensitivity of Buses, Licentiate Thesis TRITA-AVE 2005:32, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Vägverket, Scania CV AB

Olof Noréus. Modelling of Six-Wheeled Electric Transmission Terrain Vehicle. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2007:05, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with AB Volvo, BAE Systems, Saab Automobile, GM, VTEC, Volvo Cars

Mats Jonasson. Aspects of Autonomous Corner Modules as an Enabler for New Vehicle Chassis Solutions, Licentiate Thesis TRITA-AVE2006:101. Project cooperation with Volvo Cars

Markus Agebro. Driver Preferences of Steering Characteristics. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2007:66, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with GM, Saab Automobile

Fredrik Svahn. Low-Cost Control of Discontinuous Systems Including Impacts and Friction. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2007:79, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Virginia Tech and Univ. of Illinois Urbana Campaign, USA

Adam Rehnberg. Vehicle Dynamic Analysis of Wheel Loaders with Suspended Axles, Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2008:15, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Volvo CE

Malte Rothämel. Capturing Steering Feel - a Step Towards Implementation of Active Steering in Heavy Vehicles. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2010:57, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Scania CV AB

Johannes Edrén. Exploring Force Allocation Control of Over Actuated Vehicles. Licentiate thesis TRITA AVE 2011:80, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Volvo Cars, Saab Automobile and AB Volvo within SHC

Daniel Wanner. Faults and their Influence on the Dynamic Behaviour of Electric Vehicles. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2013:48, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Volvo Cars, Saab Automobile and AB Volvo within SHC

Mohammad Mehdi Dawari. A Tyre Model for Energy Studies in Vehicle Dynamics Simulations Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2015:15, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with AB Volvo, Scania CV AB, Bombardier Transportation, Swedish Transport Administration within Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design

Lisa Ydrefors. The relationship between rolling resistance and tyre operating conditions, with a focus on tyre temperature. Licentiate thesis TRITA-AVE 2022:27, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with VTI within Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design.


Main advisor for PhD

Lars Drugge, PhD dissertation on February 11, 2000. Title: Modelling and Simulation of Pantograph/Catenary Dynamics. Doctoral thesis in Computer Aided Design, Luleå University of Technology. Project cooperation with Banverket, Schunk Nordiska

Tobias Larsson, PhD dissertation on April 6, 2001. Title: Multibody Dynamic Simulation in Product Development. Doctoral thesis in Computer Aided Design, Luleå University of Technology. (Not main advisor from May 2000-April 2001 since I moved to KTH). Project cooperation with Banverket, Schunk Nordiska, BMW, Jaguar

Erik Dahlberg, PhD dissertation on May 18, 2001. Title: Commercial Vehicle Stability – Focusing on Rollover. Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. Project cooperation with Scania CV AB

Ansel Berghuvud, PhD dissertation on September 28, 2001. Title: Curving Performance and Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of Freight Cars with Three-Piece Bogies. Doctoral thesis in Computer Aided Design, Luleå University of Technology. (Assistant advisor from May 2000-Sept 2001 since I moved to KTH). Project cooperation with Banverket, SJ, LKAB

Jenny Jerrelind. PhD dissertation on April 29, 2004. Title: Design and Control of Products Including Parts with Impacts. Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. Project cooperation with INDEX, Banverket and Virginia Tech

Peter Holen.  PhD dissertation on November 16, 2006. Title: On Modally Distributed Damping in Heavy Vehicles. Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. TRITA-AVE2006:78. Project cooperation with Scania CV AB

Johan Andreasson.  PhD dissertation on February 23, 2007. Title: On Generic Road Vehicle Motion Modelling and Control, Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. TRITA-AVE 2006:85. Project cooperation with AB Volvo, BAE Systems, Saab Automobile, GM, VTEC, Volvo Cars

Magnus Juhlin. PhD dissertation on May 29, 2009. Title: Assessment of Crosswind performance of Buses. Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-AVE 2009:25. Project cooperation within Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design, especially with Scania CV AB and Swedish Road Administration

Mats Jonasson. PhD dissertation on September 25, 2009. Title: Exploiting Individual Wheel Actuators to Enhance Vehicle Dynamics and Safety in Electric Vehicles. Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology., TRITA-AVE 2009:33, ISSN , ISBN 978-91-7415-387-3. Project cooperation with Volvo Cars

Fredrik Svahn, PhD dissertation on October 9, 2009. Title: On the Stability and Control of Piecewise-Smooth Dynamical Systems with Impacts and Friction.  Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology. TRITA-AVE 2009:66, ISSN: . Project cooperation with University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Andreas Erséus, PhD dissertation on June 10, 2010. Title: Driver-Vehicle Interaction - Identification, Characterization and Modelling of Path Tracking Skill.  Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-AVE 2010:29. Project cooperation with Saab Automobile and GM R&D

Olof Noréus. PhD dissertation on November 9, 2010. Title:  Improving a Six-Wheeler’s Performance both On- and Off-Road. Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. TRITA-AVE 2010:61. Project cooperation with BAE Systems Hägglunds, AB Volvo, Saab Automobile & Volvo Cars

Adam Rehnberg. PhD dissertation on June 14, 2011. Title:  Suspension Design for Off-Road Construction Machines. Doctoral Thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. TRITA-AVE 2011:39. (Assistant advisor from April 2011-June 2011, since Lars Drugge got his Docentship and became main advisor). Project cooperation within Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design, especially with Volvo Construction Equipment

Malte Rothhämel. PhD dissertation on June 12, 2013. Title: Characterisation and Utilisation of Steering Feel in Heavy Trucks. Doctoral thesis in Vehicle Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. TRITA-AVE 2013:21, 2013. (Assistant advisor). Project cooperation with Scania CV AB

Johannes Edrén. PhD dissertation on December 2, 2014. Title: Motion modelling and control strategies for over-actuated vehicles TRITA AVE 2014:75, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Volvo Cars and AB Volvo within SHC

Daniel Wanner. PhD dissertation of June 4, 2015. Title: Controlling over-actuated road vehicles during failure conditions. PhD thesis TRITA-AVE 2015:23, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Project cooperation with Volvo Cars, Saab Automobile and AB Volvo within SHC

Mohammad Mehdi Dawari, PhD dissertation on June 13, 2017. Title: Exploiting over-actuation to reduce tyre energy losses in vehicle manoeuvres. TRITA-AVE 2017:35 ISSN , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. (Assistant advisor from April 2017-June 2017, since Jenny Jerrelind got her Docentship and became main advisor) Project cooperation with AB Volvo, Scania CV AB, Bombardier Transportation, Swedish Transport Administration within Centre for ECO2Vehicle Design

Peikun Sun. PhD dissertation of May 8, 2020. Title: Improving energy-efficiency of electric vehicles by over-actuation. PhD thesis TRITA-SCI-FOU 2020:09, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. 


Editor experience

Member of the editorial board of International Journal of Driving Science, 2016 –.

Member in the editorial board of International Journal of Vehicle System Modelling and Testing. Elsevier Publishing, 2011 –.

Member in the editorial board of International Journal of Vehicle Design, Inderscience, 2011 –.

Guest editors M. Berg and A. Stensson Trigell. SELECTED AND EXTENDED PAPERS FROM THE 21st SYMPOSIUM OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS. Supplement to Vehicle System Dynamics, International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility. Vol. 48, 2010 (Taylor & Francis, ISSN ).

Guest editors M. Berg and A. Stensson Trigell. SPECIAL ISSUE: State of the Art Papers of the 21st IAVSD Symposium. Vehicle System Dynamics, International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility. Vol. 47. 8:, 2009 (Taylor & Francis).

Reviewer to international journals;

Vehicle System Dynamics

The Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering



Profile picture of Annika Stensson Trigell


  • Extended CV