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César Soto Valero

Profile picture of César Soto Valero

About me

I'm a Ph.D. student in Software Technology, supervised by Prof. Benoit Baudry, and founded by WASP.

My research interests

Modern software engineering practices increasingly bring redundant code into software products, which has caused the emergence of a phenomenon called bloatware. This leads to maintenance, performance, and reliability issues as well as security problems. With the rapid advances of smart devices and a more connected world, it is more important than ever to trim bloatware in order to improve the leanness, agility, reliability, performance, and security of interconnected software and network systems.

Keywords: Program Debloating, Software Diversity, Mining Software Repositories, Runtime Software Specialization

Current Research

My current research work aims to apply aggressive dynamic debloat techniques by monitoring applications' usage (e.g., leveraging test suites and execution traces to guide the debloating process). I'm also interested in measuring the impact and pervasiveness of bloat across large-scale software systems. 


Automated Software Testing and DevOps (DD2482), assistant | Course web

Software Engineering Fundamentals (DD2480), assistant | Course web