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Dilian Gurov

Profile picture of Dilian Gurov





Researcher ID

About me

Dilian Gurov is Professor in Computer Science. He is also Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Computer Science at the CSC school.

Before joining KTH in 2002, Dilian obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Victoria, Canada (1998), and worked at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (1997-2002).

His research interests include Software Specification and Verification (in particular Contracts for Software Development, Program Models, Logics and Tools, and Compositional and Procedure-Modular Reasoning), and more recently, Multi-Agent Strategic Planning (in particular Multi-Player Games with Imperfect Information, and Synthesis of Knowledge-Based Strategies). He has published 12 journal papers and about 50 refereed conference papers.

Dilian has a CAV Distinguished Paper Award 2023 for his paper: Automatic Program Instrumentation for Automatic Verification. Jesper Amilon, Zafer Esen, Dilian Gurov, Christian Lidström, and Philipp Rümmer. In Proceedings of: CAV'23. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13966, pp. 281-304, 2023.

Dilian also has an EASST award for Best Software Science Paper for his paper: Checking Absence of Illicit Applet Interactions: A Case Study. Marieke Huisman, Dilian Gurov, Christoph Sprenger, and Gennady Chugunov. In Proceedings of: FASE'04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2984, pp. 84-98, 2004.

Dilian’s most notable personal grants are from the Swedish Science Foundation VR, which has funded the projects SEFROS (2003 till 2006) and ContraST (2009 till 2011), and from Vinnova, which is currently funding the project AVerT2 (2022-2024). He has also been co-applicant on a number of successful Swedish and European project proposals.

Of industrial relevance is his collaboration with Scania on Formal Verification of C programs.

Dilian’s service to the scientific community includes the following assignments: iFM 2023 (PC member), TAP 2023 and 2022 (PC member), ISoLA 2020 (Track co-organizer), PCL 2020 (a Dagstuhl seminar, co-organizer, postponed), iFM 2019 (PC member), GameSec 2019 (Local Arrangements Chair), FASE 2019 (PC member), ISoLA 2018 (Track co-organizer), FASE 2018 (PC member), PrePost 2017 (PC member), CSL 2017 (Workshops Chair), FASE 2017 (PC member), ISoLA 2016 (PC member and Track2 co-organizer), iFM 2016 (PC member), VeCoDiS 2015 (a Lorentz workshop, co-organizer), FMSPLE 2015 (PC member), UaESMC 2014 (an ESORICS workshop, PC member), WING 2014 (PC member), FMSPLE 2013 (PC member), FoVeOOS 2011 (PC co-chair), ACM SAC 2010 (Software Verification and Testing track, PC member), FoVeOOS 2010 (PC member), PoFI 2010 (PC member),  SAVCBS 2009 (PC member).


Automata and Languages (DD2373), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, First Cycle (DA150X), assistant | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Industrial Management, Second Cycle (DA235X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Machine Learning, Second Cycle (DA233X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Systems, Control and Robotics, Second Cycle (DA236X), examiner | Course web

Formal Methods (DD2452), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Formal Methods (FDD3452), examiner, teacher | Course web

Program Semantics and Analysis (DD2557), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Profile picture of Dilian Gurov


Publication list