Ali Elshaari
About me
Dr. Ali Elshaari received his B.S. degree from University of Benghazi in Electrical Engineering (2007), and Ph.D. in Microsystems Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology (2011). His research is focused on topological and quantum integrated photonics with the goal of realizing novel high performance circuits for communication, sensing, and metrology that leverage the quantum nature of photons.
- Wallenberg foundation
- Swedish research council
- Vinnova
- European research council
Join us!
Quantum Nano Photonics Group is actively looking for motivated students to join our team. Contact for further information about Bachelor and Master projects.
Degree Project in Applied Physics, Second Cycle (SK202X), examiner | Course web
Electromagnetism and Waves (SK1118), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Optical Physics (SK2303), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Quantum Information (SH2381), teacher | Course web
Quantum Materials and Devices (SK2901), teacher | Course web
Quantum Technology (SK2903), assistant, teacher | Course web