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Fredrik Lundell

Profile picture of Fredrik Lundell



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About me

I work with fluid physics from theory to applications. The problems I address range from fundamental problems such as how particles move in different flows to novel assembly techniques for biobased materials that utilises this understanding (more info via links to the right). Originally a fairly pure experimentalist, I now combine theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches to develop new knowledge. Experimental techniques that I use include synchrotron radiation, optical coherence tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Teaching and learning has always been a special interest. In particular, I have worked on the integration of interactive teaching methods, open projects and online material to achieve deeper learning and increased interest in the material.

Present PhD students

Kasra Amini
Gusten Isfeldt

Sofia Saoncella

Rohan Kulkarni

Martin Leskovec

Previous PhD students

Dr. Saeed Davoodi

Dr. Krishne Gowda V.

Associate Professor Gabriele Bellani

Dr. Mathias Kvick

Dr. Tomas Rosèn

Dr. Allan Carlsson

Professor Outi Tammisola

Dr. Feng Zhang

Dr. Afshin Abbasi-Hosseini

Dr. Karl Håkansson

Dr. Ugis Lacis

Dr. Zeinab Moradi Nour

Dr. Nitesh Mittal

Dr. Sagar Zade

Dr. Susumu Yada

Dr. Ahmad Reza Motezakker


Degree Project in Fluid Mechanics, Second Cycle (SG213X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Mechanics, Second Cycle (SG212X), examiner | Course web

Engineering Mechanics (SG1117), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Fluid Mechanics (SG1218), teacher, assistant | Course web

Fluid Mechanics for Engineers (SG1220), assistant | Course web

Fluid Mechanics, Basic Course (SG1217), examiner, assistant | Course web

Mechanics I (SG1130), teacher | Course web

Mechanics I Inclusive Project (SG1132), assistant | Course web

Mechanics II (SG1140), teacher | Course web

Thermodynamics (SG1216), teacher | Course web