Hans Blom
About me
I obtained my M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from Uppsala University in 1998, which included exchange studies at the Norwegian Technical University (94/95), the University of Bonn, Germany (96/97), and the Yokohama National University in Japan (97/98). I obtained my Ph.D. from the Royal Institute of Technology/KTH in biophotonics in 2003, as a joint collaboration with the Medical Physics group at Karolinska Institutet (98/03). Simultanously I also worked as a microscopy research engineer at Olympus in Tokyo, Japan (02). Between 2003-2005 I did a postdoc in Nobel laurate Stefan W. Hell’s group at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany to develop super-resolution STED microscopy for single molecule analysis. Between 2006 and 2010 I was junior researcher at KTH developing and applying STED microscopy in cell biology, neuroscience, bacteriology and cancer research. Presently, I am a docent in Biological Physics at KTH continue doing research in super-resolution microscopy and its applications in life science. Since 2011 I am also working as Head of Unit at the national bioscience hub SciLifeLab, supporting scientists in need of super-resolution imaging techniques. Together with my expert staff we also support national (via NMI) and international (via BNMI, EuBi) users with advanced light microscopy. My current research focus is development of optical 3D kidney pathology in collaborations with nephrologists and clinicians at Karolinska Intitutet and MedTechLabs.
Experimental Biophysics (SK2533), assistant | Course web
Experimental Physics (SK1105), teacher | Course web