Publications by Hans Blom
Peer reviewed
D. U. Jess et al., "Advanced optical imaging reveals preferred spatial orientation of podocyte processes along the axis of glomerular capillaries," Kidney International, vol. 104, no. 6, pp. 1164-1169, 2023.
D. U. Jess et al., "Deep learning-based segmentation and quantification of podocyte foot process morphology suggests differential patterns of foot process effacement across kidney pathologies," Kidney International, vol. 103, no. 6, pp. 1120-1130, 2023.
M. Stenudd et al., "Identification of a discrete subpopulation of spinal cord ependymal cells with neural stem cell properties," Cell Reports, vol. 38, no. 9, 2022.
D. Unnersjoe-Jess et al., "Three-Dimensional Super-Resolved Imaging of Paraffin-Embedded Kidney Samples," KIDNEY360, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 446-454, 2022.
D. Unnersjö Jess et al., "A fast and simple clearing and swelling protocol for 3D in-situ imaging of the kidney across scales," Kidney International, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 1010-1020, 2021.
L. Butt et al., "Super-Resolution Imaging of the Filtration Barrier Suggests a Role for Podocin R229Q in Genetic Predisposition to Glomerular Disease," Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 138-154, 2021.
K. Bernhem et al., "Super-resolution microscopy reveals that Na+/K+-ATPase signaling protects against glucose-induced apoptosis by deactivating Bad," Cell Death and Disease, vol. 12, no. 8, 2021.
L. Butt et al., "A molecular mechanism explaining albuminuria in kidney disease," Nature Metabolism, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 461-474, 2020.
S. J. Edwards et al., "High-Resolution Imaging of Tumor Spheroids and Organoids Enabled by Expansion Microscopy," Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, vol. 7, 2020.
P. Q. Rodriguez et al., "Inactivation of mediator complex protein 22 in podocytes results in intracellular vacuole formation, podocyte loss and premature death," Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020.
E. E. Akkuratov et al., "Ouabain Modulates the Functional Interaction Between Na,K-ATPase and NMDA Receptor.," Molecular Neurobiology, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 4018-4030, 2020.
A. Schwarz et al., "Coro2b, a podocyte protein downregulated in human diabetic nephropathy, is involved in the development of protamine sulphate-induced foot process effacement," Scientific Reports, vol. 9, 2019.
J. M. Fontana et al., "Spontaneous calcium activity in metanephric mesenchymal cells regulates branching morphogenesis in the embryonic kidney," The FASEB Journal, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 4089-4096, 2019.
M. Spiess et al., "Active and inactive beta 1 integrins segregate into distinct nanoclusters in focal adhesions," Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 217, no. 6, pp. 1929-1940, 2018.
D. U. Jess et al., "Confocal super-resolution imaging of the glomerular filtration barrier enabled by tissue expansion," Kidney International, vol. 93, no. 4, pp. 1008-1013, 2018.
H. J. Johansson et al., "Extracellular nanovesicles released from the commensal yeast Malassezia sympodialis are enriched in allergens and interact with cells in human skin," Scientific Reports, vol. 8, 2018.
K. Bernhem, H. Blom and H. Brismar, "Quantification of endogenous and exogenous protein expressions of Na,K-ATPase with super-resolution PALM/STORM imaging," PLOS ONE, 2018.
A. Agostinho et al., "Sexual dimorphism in the width of the mouse synaptonemal complex," Journal of Cell Science, vol. 131, no. 5, 2018.
A. R. Gliga et al., "Cerium oxide nanoparticles inhibit differentiation of neural stem cells," Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 2017.
M. Reuss et al., "Measuring true localization accuracy in super resolution microscopy with DNA-origami nanostructures," New Journal of Physics, vol. 19, no. 2, 2017.
S. Abrahamsson et al., "Multifocus structured illumination microscopy for fast volumetric super-resolution imaging," Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 4135-4140, 2017.
H. Blom and J. Widengren, "Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy," Chemical Reviews, vol. 117, no. 11, pp. 7377-7427, 2017.
M. Kaucka et al., "Analysis of neural crest-derived clones reveals novel aspects of facial development," Science Advances, vol. 2, no. 8, 2016.
A. Agostinho et al., "High density of REC8 constrains sister chromatid axes and prevents illegitimate synaptonemal complex formation," EMBO Reports, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 901-913, 2016.
H. Blom, K. Bernhem and H. Brismar, "Sodium pump organization in dendritic spines," NEUROPHOTONICS, vol. 3, no. 4, 2016.
S. Schedin-Weiss et al., "Super-resolution microscopy reveals gamma-secretase at both sides of the neuronal synapse," Acta neuropathologica communications, vol. 4, 2016.
D. Unnersjö-Jess et al., "Super-resolution stimulated emission depletion imaging of slit diaphragm proteins in optically cleared kidney tissue.," Kidney International, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 243-247, 2016.
W. Liu et al., "Super-resolution structured illumination fluorescence microscopy of the lateral wall of the cochlea : the Connexin26/30 proteins are separately expressed in man," Cell and Tissue Research, pp. 1-15, 2016.
V. P. Bollampalli et al., "BCG Skin Infection Triggers IL-1R-MyD88-Dependent Migration of EpCAMlow CD11bhigh Skin Dendritic cells to Draining Lymph Node During CD4+ T-Cell Priming," PLoS Pathogens, vol. 11, no. 10, 2015.
H. Blom and M. Bates, "Nanoscopy-imaging life at the nanoscale : a Nobel Prize achievement with a bright future," Physica Scripta, vol. 90, no. 10, 2015.
T. Liebmann et al., "Nanoscale elucidation of Na,K-ATPase isoforms in dendritic spines," Optical Nanoscopy, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-10, 2013.
H. Blom et al., "Spatial distribution of Na+-K+-ATPase in dendritic spines dissected by nanoscale superresolution STED microscopy," BMC Neuroscience, vol. 12, pp. 16, 2011.
A. Sonesson et al., "Protein-surfactant interactions at hydrophobic interfaces studied with Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (TIR-FCS)," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 317, no. 2, pp. 449-457, 2008.
L. Kastrup et al., "Fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy in subdiffraction focal volumes," Physical Review Letters, vol. 94, no. 17, 2005.
Non-peer reviewed
B. Chmelova et al., "Interpretation of STED-FCS diffusion law plots for nanoscopically heterogeneous membranes," European Biophysics Journal, vol. 52, no. SUPPL 1, pp. S123-S123, 2023.
V. P. Bollampalli et al., "BCG skin infection triggers IL-1R-MyD88-dependent migration of EpCAM(low) CD11b(high) skin dendritic cells to draining lymph node during CD4(+) T-cell priming," European Journal of Immunology, vol. 46, pp. 790-790, 2016.
J. M. Fontana et al., "Role of calcium signaling for GDNF secretion, ureter branching and early nephron formation," The FASEB Journal, vol. 30, 2016.
J. M. Fontana et al., "Ouabain, a Na, K-ATPase ligand, intervenes with the onset of glucose-triggered apoptosis," Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol. 26, 2015.
L. Serebryannyy et al., "Nuclear Actin Dynamics Regulate Nuclear Structure and Transcription," Molecular Biology of the Cell, vol. 24, 2013.
D. Unnersjö-Jess et al., "Confocal imaging of slit diaphragm proteins in expanded kidney tissue," (Manuscript).
S. Edwards et al., "Dual-colour super resolution expansion microscopy of membrane proteins using bioorthogonal labelling," (Manuscript).
H. Blom et al., "Elliptical line focus in fluorescence spectroscopy : theory and application," (Manuscript).
H. Blom et al., "Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with Lorentzian intensity distribution," (Manuscript).
L. Zhang et al., "Ouabain intervenes early in the apoptotic process by preventing BAD activation," (Manuscript).
K. Bernhem, H. Blom and H. Brismar, "Quantification of endogenous and exogenous protein expressions of Na,K-ATPase with super-resolution PALM/STORM imaging," (Manuscript).
J. Fontana et al., "Temporal calcium activity in metanephric mesenchyme cells regulates kidney branching morphogenesis," (Manuscript).
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