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Jia Cheng Xu

Profile picture of Jia Cheng Xu




About me

Hello! I am Jia-Cheng, an industrial PhD student at Neuronics and research engineer at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). My academic background is in Medical Engineering from KTH (2014-2019) and main specialization is biomechanics and injury prevention.

My PhD project is about finite element human body modelling and simulations in LS-DYNA to predict long-term injuries, and promote health and well-being through active mobility and public transport. The main focus is to provide more knowledge about injury mechanisms of various fall- and impact-related injuries to head, upper, and lower extremities that carry high risk of medical impairment and societal costs. As public transport and active mobility is highly encouraged in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the main application is standing passengers on buses and vulnerable road users (such as pedestrians) during collision and non-collision events.

The outcomes of my PhD project is to provide a framework for virtual testing with recommendations on safe bus maneuvers, such as autonomous (soft) emergency braking and collision avoidance manuevers, as well as countermeasures for fall- and impact-related injuries. The human body modelling will enable prediction long-term injuries in various fields of expertise such as traffic safety and sports etc., will be provided at the end of the project.

Profile picture of Jia Cheng Xu