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ITEA3 Testomat Project: the next level of test automation

Modern software teams seek a delicate balance between two opposing forces: striving for reliability and striving for agility. The TESTOMAT project will support software teams to strike the right balance by increasing the development speed without sacrificing quality.

KTH participates in the Testomat project as a knowledge provider, with expertise in machine learning, software testing tools, software engineering, and web based visualization tools for continuous integration.

The project participants from KTH-TCS are:

Avijit Roy

Aravind Nair

Hojat Khosrowjerdi

Karl Meinke

Testomat also has KTH partners from the ITM School

Scope: Software Test Automation
Funding: Vinnova (via ITEA)
Timeline: Oct. 2017 – Nov. 2020
Number of partners: 36

Profile picture of Karl Meinke


  • Projects
  • ITEA3 Testomat Project: the next level of test automation