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Kian Shaker

Profile picture of Kian Shaker

About me

During 2018-2022 I was a PhD student in the Biomedical and X-ray Physics unit at the Department of Applied Physics. I earned my PhD in Physics at KTH in April 2022 with Prof. Hans Hertz as advisor. My thesis explored non-conventional X-ray contrast mechanisms with an outlook towards clinical imaging applications. Specifically, I explored X-ray fluorescence and X-ray phase contrast for a variety of applications: early-stage tumor imaging, mammography & respiratory imaging. Here I primarily worked in the preclinical domain, by developing instrumentation for proof-of-principle in vivo imaging of mice as well as in silico computational modelling of the imaging processes (using Monte Carlo & wave-propagation methods).

During 2022-2024 I will move to Stanford University to do a postdoc at the Department of Radiology funded through a KAW fellowship. During my postdoc I will work in the intersection between global health and clinical radiology. I plan to explore clinical X-ray imaging in low-resource settings through multidisciplinary and international collaborations.

An up-to-date list of my published work can be found in my Google Scholar profile.

Profile picture of Kian Shaker