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Publications by Kristina Knauff

Peer reviewed


N. Kirchmeyer and K. Knauff, "International collaborative tasks in language courses for engineers integrated in a multidimensional teaching format," Language Learning in Higher Education, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 581-589, 2023.
K. Knauff, "Perspektiv på tjugotalet," Konsthistorisk Tidskrift, 2017.

Conference papers

N. Kirchmeyer and K. Knauff, "A multi-dimensional teaching format for language education : Rethinking the role of teachers and students," in Die Rolle von Sprachenzentren neu denken: Flexibilität, Relevanz & Vision : Erträge des 8. Bremer Symposions, 2024, pp. 102-115.
N. Kirchmeyer and K. Knauff, "Blandade lärmiljöer för språk- och kommunikationskurser i högre utbildning," in ASLA 2024: Språk och kommunikation i en digitaliserad värld, 2024.
N. Kirchmeyer and K. Knauff, "Enhancing Multilingual and Multicultural Competence for Engineering Students," in XVIII CercleS Conference 2024, Durham, UK, 12-14 Sep 2024, 2024.
N. Kirchmeyer and K. Knauff, "A multi-dimensional teaching format for language education : Rethinking the role of teachers and students," in Bremen Symposium 2023, Rethinking the role of language centres: flexibility, relevance & vision Bremen University, March 1st to 3rd, 2023, 2023.
N. Kirchmeyer and K. Knauff, "Collaborative online international activities in language courses for engineers," in Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education 2023 KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 8TH September 2023, 2023.
N. Kirchmeyer and K. Knauff, "Language education for engineering students : a multi-dimensional teaching model," in Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition : Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL 2022), Volume 1, 2023.
N. Kirchmeyer et al., "International collaborative tasks in language courses for engineers," in XVII CercleS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2022 The Future of Language Education in an Increasingly Digital World: Embracing Change, 2022.

Non-peer reviewed

Conference papers

N. Kirchmeyer, K. Knauff and A. Shirabe, "Flerspråkighet och interkulturell kompetens för blivande ingenjörer," in 9:e Utvecklings­­konferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, 22-23 november 2023, Mälardalens universitet, Västerås, 2023.
K. Knauff, "Skyscrapers and ironic classicism Commercial architecture and architectural ornament in the Kings Towers, Stockholm," in COSMOPOLITANISM, AESTHETICISM, AND DECADENCE, 1860-1920 Universtity of Oxford, 16-17 june 2014, 2014.
K. Knauff, "The public face," in The forgotten modern, INTBAU, Stockholm, 12.9.2005, 2005.

Chapters in books

K. Knauff, "Metropolitan facades and 1920s decoration," in Swedish Grace : The forgotten modern, Peter Elmlund & Johan Mårtelius Ed., Stockholm : Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, 2015, pp. 90-101.
K. Knauff, "Ett mörker i vitt," in Om femtio år med Arkitekturmuseet, Malin Zimm Ed., Stockholm : Arkitekturmuseet, 2012, pp. 64-65.
K. Knauff, "Debatten om Kungstornen," in Höga Hus : Samfundet S:t Eriks Årsbok, Ulf Sörenson Ed., Stockholm : Langenskiöld, 2010, pp. 42-48.


K. Knauff, "Den klassicistiska vändningen i det tidiga 1900-talets svenska arkitektur : En studie av Liljevalchs konsthall, Kungstornen och Kanslihuset i Stockholm," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ARK. Akademisk avhandling, 2012:1, 2012.
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