Anna Kramers
About me
Associate professor (Docent) in Sustainability Studies with a specialization in Digitalization and Planning. With my PhD in Planning and Decision Analysis with specialization in Environmental Strategic Anlysis and long experience from the Telecom and IT-sector I explore how digitalization can be used to reach sustainability targets primarily in urban areas.
I currently lead the following program:
Mistra SAMS Sustainable Accessibility and Mobility Solutions(PI)(2017- current)
The overallvisionof Mistra SAMS is that digitalization and other measures for sustainable mobility and accessibility will be implemented in a way that supports Sweden’s objective of a 70% reduction in emissions from the transport sector by the year 2030 compared to 2010.
Themissionof Mistra SAMS is to build and communicate empirically grounded knowledge, together with policy actors, market actors and citizens, to support the achievement of this overall vision.
Concluded projects:
IVA -Resource efficiency and Circular economy, subproject mobilitet (2018-2020)
Integrated Transport Research Lab(ITRL), Reserach Area Leader for "Mobility Services" (2017-2018)
Regeringens strategiska samverkans program KOMPIS -Kombinerad Mobilitet som tjänst i Sverige(2017 - 2020)
ICT for Urban Sustainability -ICTUS(2013 - 2017)
ICTUS aims to establish an understanding and evaluate how smart sustainable city (SSC) initiatives in some selected cities in the world have been envisioned, initiated, planned, implemented and managed, and to develop recommendations for the governance of future SSC-initiatives.
ICT for sustainable cities (ICIT), (2012 - 2015)
ICIT explored how cities could make use of ICT solutions to reach sustainability targets.
Travelplanners for sustainable cities (TRACS), (2010 - 2013)
The project TRACS described the design of advanced integrated travel planners that provide both efficient decision support for travelers and a tool for local and regional planning for sustainable development.
Telecommunicators’ work in the sustainable cityTeleSy (2010 - 2012)
The project aims to understand and describe how we will work in future sustainable cities.
Sustainable Development for Computer Science and Engineering (AL1504), teacher | Course web