Kin Wing Wong
About me
Since 2022: Ph.D. Student, Division of Nuclear Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
2019-2022: System Code Developer, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany
2017-2019: MSc in Nuclear Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne and Zurich, Switzerland
2013-2017: BEng (Hons) in Nuclear and Risk Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
My Ph.D. topic is related to modeling the flow accelerated corrosion and erosion (FACE) problem in liquid heavy metals using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This project aims to develop and validate modeling techniques for understanding flow-accelerated corrosion and erosion (FACE) processes in heavy liquid metal-cooled (HLM) reactors. The research is part of the SUNRISE (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Research In Sweden) project.
In addition, I am interested in developing interface tracking simulation tools for diabatic two-phase flows, developing system code for the boiling phenomenon, and analyzing natural circulation systems.