Lars Kloo
About me
Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) since 1998. Received a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry at Lund University in 1990.Experience as post-doctoral fellow/visiting scientist at Liverpool University, Cornell University and Auckland University. Docent at Lund University 1994. Main research interests have focused on new media for inorganic synthesis and electrochemically active electrolytes for solar cells based on ionic liquids and hybrid systems, experimental and theoretical characterization of inorganic, organometallic, bioinorganic, solid-solid and solid-liquid interfaces, as well as pharmaceutical drugs. More than 250 research and review articles in refereed scientific journals, which have been cited more than 15,000 times. Extensive teaching experience within physical, inorganic and materials chemistry, as well as pedagogics such as research supervision at KTH.
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (CK2020), teacher | Course web
Chemical Equilibrium (CK1285), teacher, assistant | Course web
Chemical Equilibrium (CK1280), teacher | Course web
Chemical Principles for Sustainabillty (KD1000), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Chemical Engineering and Technology, First Cycle (KH138X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Chemistry, Second Cycle (KD200X), examiner | Course web
Introductory Chemistry (KD1020), teacher | Course web
Project in Chemistry (KD2905), examiner | Course web
Project in Chemistry (KD2910), examiner | Course web
Project in Chemistry (KD2920), examiner | Course web