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Books & MOOC:s / Böcker & MOOC:ar

I have published two books, both in Swedish, on the subjects of Leadership and Strategy respectively. The first one is a adaption of Gary Yukl's seminal "Leadership in Organization" to Swedish. The second one is a new text which takes a new approach to the field of Stratey.

  • Yukl G - adapted to Swedish by M. Kaulio (2011) Ledarskap i Organisationer. Prentice Hall
  • Wadström, P., Schreiber, S., Teigland, R and Kaulio, M. (2017) Strategi: arenan, affären, arbetssätten, ansvaret, avsikten (eng: Strategy: Arena, Business, Work Approach Responsibility and Intention). Liber, Sweden 

A second stream of my dissemination activities is to produce MOOC:s. I have currently been involeved in two productions, one on "Governance of Transformation in Urban Mobiility" (Futurelearn/EIT Urban Mobility) and the another on "Managing Manufacturing Digitalization" (collegial.com)