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Mohammadreza Seidigoldar

Profile picture of Mohammadreza Seidigoldar

About me

Mohammad Reza was born in Tehran, Iran; he received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, focusing on communication engineering, from KNTU, Tehran, Iran, in 2015. He also obtained his Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, focusing on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering, from the University of Tehran in 2019. The main focus of his studies was Metamaterial application in Radar and Imaging systems.

He is a Ph.D. student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His research interests are radar imaging systems and signal processing, Microwave, mmWave components, Antenna, Metamaterial, Metasurface.

MohammaReza's supervisor is Prof. Joachim Oberhammer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.


Build your own Radar System, Project Course (EK2370), assistant | Course web

Profile picture of Mohammadreza Seidigoldar