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Nami Matsubara

Profile picture of Nami Matsubara

About me

I am currently postdoc reseacher at KTH with Prof. Marin Månsson, studying muitifunctional materials (maily oxides) using the neutron, µ+SR and X-ray techniques.

I completed my Ph.D. at the Université de Caen, France in the CRISMAT (Group: Physics and structure of magnetic oxide). I also held the joint project as a Ph.D. at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, France (Group: Powder diffraction).
During my Ph.D., I was studying the complex crystal and magnetic structures of ceramic manganites and their physical properties with a focus on new potential multiferroic materials.  I also had experience in large-scale facilities (synchrotron and neutron), mainly diffraction techniques.

I am in general highly interested in functional oxide materials and the relationship between structure (both crystal and magnetic structure), order/disorder phase transition and physical properties (e.g., magnetic and electric properties). C