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Niclas Jansson

Profile picture of Niclas Jansson


About me

Niclas Jansson is a researcher at PDC Center for High Performance Computing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.  He received his M.S. in computer science in 2008 and a PhD in numerical analysis 2013 from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Between 2013 and 2016, Niclas was a postdoc researcher at RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, where he was part of the application development team of the Japanese exascale program, Flagship 2020, focusing on developing extreme-scale multiphysics solvers for the K computer, and held a visiting scientist position at RIKEN between 2018 and 2021.  He has extensive experience in extreme-scale computing as a developer of RIKEN's multiphysics framework CUBE, the HPC branch of FEniCS and the next generation spectral element flow solver Neko.

Currently, Niclas' main research is focused on developing novel numerical methods via disruptive hardware and programming models, as part of a Swedish Research Council Starting grant to enable efficient use of high-order spectral element methods in fluid simulations at exascale.


Computational Fluid Dynamics (SG2212), teacher | Course web

High-performance Computing for Computational Scientists (FDD3260), teacher | Course web