Ozan Alp Topal
Doctoral student
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolanhttps://www.kth.se/profile/oatopal/
Researcher ID
About me
I have been working on different aspects of mmWave network deployment in indoor dense spaces (IDSs). The related publications on different directions are given as below:
- Channel modeling for IDS: Under IDS environment, we model the propagation channel at 28 GHz under different geometry, material, and denseness cases to illustrate the effects of these factors on the signal propagation. We conduct extensive RT simulations by taking into account material characteristics from the literature.
- Network deployment in IDS: In an IDS, minimizing the number of APs deployed is essential, since it reduces overall hardware cost, efforts in wiring APs during installation, and weight. Based on the limited user mobility and the static nature of the IDS environment, we can jointly solve AP deployment and resource allocation. One can benefit by considering the available radio resources such as bandwidth, time, access point cooperation, power, and antenna limits of the access points as part of the AP deployment problem to further reduce the number of deployed APs. We cast and solve mixed integer binary optimization problems to find the minimum number of APs for different levels of AP cooperation.
- Coverage extension with RIS in IDS: To further the cost reduction, we work on deploying reflective intelligent surfaces (RISs) in the IDS, so that we can extend the coverage from a single AP and deploy less number of APs as a result.
Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in Communication Systems, Second Cycle (DA246X), assistant | Course web
Degree Project in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Communication Systems, Second Cycle (EA246X), assistant | Course web
Mobile Networks and Services (IK2560), teacher | Course web
Signal Processing (II1303), teacher | Course web
Wireless Communication Systems (IK2507), teacher | Course web
Wireless Networks (IK2510), teacher | Course web