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Peta Sjölander

Profile picture of Peta Sjölander

About me

Peta Sjölander is Associate Professor at MTH and has a research background in speech acoustics from UCL in London. She has most recently been Director of MedTechLabs (2019-2020) and the KTH Lead for EIT Health (2016-2020). Starting at KTH in 1999 as a postdoc researcher (funded by the EU’s Marie Curie Fellowship Programme) at the Department of Speech, Music & Hearing, Sjölander subsequently received personal research funding from VR, EU framework programmes and EIT. She was Head of Department for the former STH school’s Dept of Health Systems Engineering  (2013-2017), and Head of the Division of Human Communication Science. Sjölander has co-supervised two PhD students through to completion, as well as numerous master’s candidates. She is examiner for the 7.5 ects mandatory PhD course, Technology & Health, at MTH. Sjölander has worked as an expert evaluator for the European Commission within ICT (FET Open) and Marie Curie, and is a regular reviewer of scientific articles, mainly for the Journal of Voice and Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology.

Profile picture of Peta Sjölander