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Jan-Olof Selroos

Profile picture of Jan-Olof Selroos





About me

I am an adjunct professor at SEED working on sustainable infrastructure in bedrock, specifically issues related to groundwater flow and solute transport. In my professional life outside of KTH I work at the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) as a research coordinator for hydrogeology. This implies identifying research needs within safety assessment modelling of different nuclear waste repositories (located at different depths in the bedrock), and applying the developed methods and models in safety assessment projects. At KTH, I apply different methods, some of which are developed as part of work at SKB, in various infrastructure projects. Currently I co-supervise two PhD projects; the first relates to coupled hydromechanical and hydrochemical processes in fractured rock in order to understand how these coupled processes control groundwater flow and transport characteristics (financed by SKB, Posiva in Finland and Amphos21 in Spain). The second project deals with grout degradation under hydropower dams and focusses on coupled hydrochemical processes at different scales (financed by Svenkt Vattenkraftcentrum). I am also involed in a project on modelling of tailing dams in the mining industry (with LKAB and DHI). My position at KTH is financed by the Swedish Foundation for Stategic Research and by SKB.

Mobile phone: +46703721564

Profile picture of Jan-Olof Selroos


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