Seyedmohammad Azimi Abarghouei
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
About me
I am a Senior Researcher at the Division of Network and Systems Engineering of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, working with Prof. Carlo Fischione. Prior to this role, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the same division from 2022 to 2024, working with Prof. Viktoria Fodor. In November 2020, I successfully completed my Ph.D. program at Sharif University of Technology in Iran. I am honored to have received the Best PhD Thesis Award in the field of electrical engineering at the national level. My research was focused on developing theory and practices for wireless networks and distributed computation. Presently, I work on distributed computation and federated machine learning.
Recent News
- Sep. 2024: We released a preprint titled "Hierarchical Federated ADMM"
- Sep. 2024: Our paper, titled "Over-the-Air Federated Learning via Weighted Aggregation," has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- Sep. 2024: We released a preprint titled "Compute-Update Federated Learning: A Lattice Coding Approach"
- April 2024: Our conference paper titled “Federated Learning via Lattice Joint Source-Channel Coding” has been accepted to the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2024, taking place in Athens, Greece.
- Mar. 2024: We released a preprint titled "Quantized Hierarchical Federated Learning: A Robust Approach to Statistical Heterogeneity"
- Jan. 2024: Our paper, titled "Scalable Hierarchical Over-the-Air Federated Learning," has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- Jan. 2024: Our paper, titled "Matérn cluster process with holes at the cluster centers," has been published in Statistics & Probability Letters.
- Dec. 2023: I have been awarded the Jubilee Appropriation Scholarship from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
- Dec. 2023: Our conference paper titled “Hierarchical Over-the-Air Federated Learning with Awareness of Interference and Data Heterogeneity” has been accepted to the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2024, taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Dec. 2023: Listed as the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Communications Letters
- June 2023: Our paper, titled "Fundamentals of Clustered Molecular Nanonetworks," has been published in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications.
- May 2023: Our conference paper titled "Interference-Aware Molecular Detector Design for Clustered Bio-Nanonetworks" will be presented at IEEE ICC 2024 in Rome, Italy.
- March 2023: Listed as the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
- Nov. 2022: We released a preprint titled "Multi-Server Over-the-Air Federated Learning"
- March 2022: Listed as the Exemplary Reviewer of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters