Sven Grahn
About me
I work as a project manager for the student satellite project MIST ( which is an activity within the KTH Space Center. I have a M. Sc in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology, and an honorary doctorate from KTH. I have spent most of my professional life at the Swedish Space Corporation (now SSC) where I was head of the company's space systems division, which developed the satellites Freja, Astrid-1, Astrid-2, Odin and the lunar probe SMART-1. Prior to my time at SSC, I was employed at the Department of Meteorology at Stockholm University where I worked with mapping of noctilucent clouds and measuring the ozone profile in the mesosphere with sounding rockets. I also have the equivalent of 90 credits in meteorology. I have received His Majesty The King's Medal of the twelfth size, the Gold Medal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering and the Thulin Medal in gold for aeronautical achievements.