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Metallic Additive Manufacturing: excitements and barriers

Sustainable Transformation Seminars

The Sustainable Transformation Seminars autumn 2022 series fourth seminar is held by speaker Rocco Lupoi , with the title "Metallic Additive Manufacturing: excitements and barriers". The format is 25 minutes presentation and 20 minutes of guided and open discussion with a KTH moderator/host.

Tid: Fr 2022-12-09 kl 12.15 - 13.00

Plats: Online

Språk: English

Medverkande: Rocco Lupoi

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The Sustainable Transformation Seminars Autumn 2022 series is held monthly, usually on a Friday. The seminar series will continue to be online.

Seminar description

In additive manufacturing, Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) has been shown to be a highly reliable approach for prototyping of metal parts, but has several disadvantages: relative slow production time, inherent safety issues involved with using loose metal powders, and difficulty in printing multi-material parts. This seminar will provide a critical introduction to the process of metallic additive manufacturing in general, including Directed Energy Deposition and solid state processed. The lecture will showcase advantages, apparent advantages and clear disadvantages of the 3D printing way for making things. I will also introduce new and emerging AM technologies currently being introduced and promising to address sustainability and cost issues. The talk is intended for a wide audience, especially for not experts in the field. 


Rocco Lupoi, Associate Professor (advanced and additive manufacturing), Trinity college Dublin, University of Dublin 

Rocco Lupoi. Photo: Amber research centre

Rocco Lupoi obtained a PhD from the University of Bath (UK) in 2008, and he is an Associate Professor in Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). Prof. Lupoi is a past Marie Curie Fellow, and he is now working in the development of emerging Additive Manufacturing processes. Prof. Lupoi is a member of the international academy for production engineering (CIRP) and has published >155 peer reviewed papers to date.

In recognition to his research career, Rocco Lupoi was elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 2019 and Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in 2022.

Connection to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDG12 – Responsible consumption and production:
Minimization of resources and recycling of material that were used without a loss in performance.

SDG9 – Industry innovation and infrastructure:
Novel methodologies for metal printing, new disruptive equipment development, new material for industrial applications.

Rocco Lupoi email: lupoir@tcd.ie


About the Sustainable Transformation seminars