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A proof of concept mission for the JEM-EUSO telescope

Tid: On 2014-10-01 kl 15.00 - 16.00

Plats: Sal E1, Lindstedsvägen 3, KTH, Stockholm

Medverkande: EUSO

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Mini-EUSO is currently scheduled to be launched to the International Space Station (ISS) during 2016 and it is an in situ proof of concept for the JEM-EUSO telescope. Two of the goals for the JEM-EUSO telescope is to identify sources of UHECR ( E >1020 eV) and to investigate the GZK-cutoff. As a proof of concept mission, Mini-EUSO will raise the technological readiness level of the hardware, map the Earth's UV background during night time, and make the first UHECR measurements through UV detection from space. This talk will present the JEM-EUSO experiment, principles and possibilities of the Mini-EUSO telescope, and an update from the recent EUSO-Balloon flight.