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Lärare Johan Karlander skapade sidan 20 september 2014

Lärare kommenterade 20 september 2014

I just created a page for homework.

kommenterade 3 oktober 2014

Will there be a more detailed description of next weeks homework than just "read chapter 3 of Walliman and write a project suggestion individually"?

Assistent kommenterade 3 oktober 2014

Yes, a proper homework description will appear above within the hour...

Assistent Linda Kann ändrade rättigheterna 3 oktober 2014

Kan därmed läsas av lärare och ändras av lärare.

Assistent Linda Kann ändrade rättigheterna 3 oktober 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 8 oktober 2014

At seminar 4 we were told that the purpose of the homework was to practice on writing a master thesis by basically writing a thesis without the experimental part. I found these guidelines which i think might be useful. I can only find it in swedish though. https://www.kth.se/social/group/examensarbete-vid-cs/page/rapport-checklista/

kommenterade 14 oktober 2014

You can find the English translation here

Regards Catarina Asplund, Moderator

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kommenterade 1 november 2014

Hi. I'm confused about this question:

  1. (2)  Construct your own example of a successful use of IBE. 

What is IBE? There's nothing in the course material about it, and there's nothing about it in the lecture-notes. IBE can stand for a ton of things, but I don't want to make any wild guesses. 

kommenterade 1 november 2014

IBE stands for 'inference to the best explanation' and its under the required readings for Homework 2 (page 29-33 chapter 2 in Okasha's book)

kommenterade 3 november 2014

Is there any homework for seminar 5? Can you please upload it. 

Assistent kommenterade 5 november 2014

No homework for Seminar 5!

If you want to prepare, you can read "Should Computer Scientists Experiment More?", see Seminar page

kommenterade 5 november 2014

OK, so there's 5 seminars left. How many homeworks are left? My schedule cannot afford any more unexpected assignments :(

Assistent kommenterade 5 november 2014

Normally there is homework to hand in for every seminar!

kommenterade 12 november 2014

The instructions for Project part 1 states something completely different from what John talked about on the previous lecture. He said something like: "Write med one A4 sheet with a literature studie over your subject". So which is it? The instructions under the assignments menu or what Johan said?

Lärare kommenterade 12 november 2014

Do it as Johan said.

kommenterade 13 november 2014

In the reading material for homework 6 the authors talk about building a collection of notes, but also state that taking notes improve recall and comprehension. I know of an article on this which i thought would be fun to share. In this article in Science there is a series of experiments testing concept mapping, a form of note taking, versus simple reading versus recalling of text. The result is that the concept mapping is similiar to simple reading but is worse than recall (they also find that students believe the contrary), so i wonder if the authors have done their own homework...

Linda Kann redigerade 24 november 2014

* Homework for Sem 2

* Homework for Sem 3Knight&Leveson

* Homework for Sem 4
* Homework for Sem 6:
* Read How to Read a Scientific Article
*  Hand in your Project part 1 under [Assignments] in menu)

* Homework for Sem 7:
* Read chapter 6 in Okasha.

* Homework for Sem 8:
* Read chapter 9 in Walliman
* Write programs and explain three probability problems

kommenterade 24 november 2014

"How does that influence the proportions of boys and girls?"

Does that mean the proportions of boys and girls are born, or the proportion of the currently number of living boys and girls?

kommenterade 24 november 2014

I will miss seminar 8 since I won't be in Stockholm on Thursday. Who should I mail about getting a replacement assignment and what is the email adress? I'd also like to know where to email the first part of the project, since I could not upload it (I mean, you need to to look at them, right?).

kommenterade 24 november 2014

Are there any plans to try to release the homeworks earlier?
If no, will the course be renamed PIPUP (PhIlosoPhy Under Pressure) next year? ;)

Jokes aside, the homework is not very big, but it is quite hard to plan properly with the current announcing scheme. 

kommenterade 24 november 2014

Also, what happens if the joker is picked in the last problem? Do I win one million or do I just lose?

kommenterade 1 december 2014

Maybe I'm just stupid, but the 3rd question is "What do you think of the statement that Computer Science is not about data but about information?" and the article does not try to distinguish between the terms "information" and "data" anywhere. The word "data" is only mentioned once in the article.

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kommenterade 10 december 2014

Is there any homework for seminar 10?

kommenterade 10 december 2014

We are supposed to bring the first version of our report to the seminar IIRC.

Lärare kommenterade 10 december 2014

That's right. No homework. Just the project.

kommenterade 11 december 2014

Should we actually bring a printed copy of the report? I have not read that information somewhere else. I thought we submit it through kth social?

Assistent kommenterade 11 december 2014

Please submit project in KTH Social!

Assistent Linda Kann ändrade rättigheterna 21 augusti 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av alla inloggade användare.

Assistent Linda Kann ändrade rättigheterna 21 augusti 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.