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Version skapad av Linda Kann 2017-01-10 10:01

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Graded essay in Theory of Science and Scientific Methods

The purpose of this exercise is to give you training in scientific writing and an opportunity to think through how the contents of this course may be applied in a degree project. You will practice both writing in a popular science style and writing in a more scientific style. You will work with an old Bachelor’s Thesis in Computer Science.

The title of your essay is "What does a computer science degree project have to do with science?" and the intended readership is people interested in the second cycle education of Computer Science. The essay should be two or three pages, starting with the following abstract.

"The degree project used to be mainly proof of vocational skills, in particular programming, but recently the focus has shifted to scientific writing and methods. With an old project thesis as an example, we discuss how the new requirements may be met."

  1. Your essay should include an easily readable summary of the thesis intended for a lay-person probably without deep knowledge of computer science. You should give a brief explanation of what the thesis is about and a discussion of its possible interest for a general public. This part should be at least half a page and at most one page long.
  2. Next comes a section with general scientific considerations that come to mind in connection with the project. It may include historical references such as Occam or Galileo, philosophical terms such as anti-realism or the HD-method, statistical concepts such as correlation or null hypothesis, CS themes such as P vs NP and ethical issues. Try to make as much use of the course contents as possible while staying relevant to the topic (no more than one page).
  3. In the final section, you return to the project and give some suggestions about how it might have been carried out and reported with the requirements of a Masters' thesis today (no more than one page). Anna-Karin Högfeldt at the ECE school has been kind enough to lend us the informal translations she uses in her course:

Formal requirements

  • Title page with your name 
  • Second page: Part 1 (Summary)
  • Third page: Part 2 (Scientific considerations)
  • Fourth page: Part 3 (Suggestions)
  • Font size 10pt
  • Your essay must be submitted to KTH-Social no later than January 16, 2017. Upload your file as a pdf on the Assignments page.


The grading is A-F according to the following criteria. A late essay will not get a higher grade than E.

E: The essay fulfills the formal requirements and is written in clear English in appropriate styles. The writer shows clear understanding of the thesis and the course basics.

C: The writer also gives comments that show broad knowledge in scientific methods and suggests relevant improvements.

A: In addition to the above: The summary is interesting and thought-provoking. Considerations and improvements show deep insight in the theory of science.

Peer review

You have the option of handing in your essay for peer review in peergrade the week before deadline. Handing in your essay for peer review  is not compulsory.

Peer review questions for essay self evaluation.