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Get started

Get started: CSCs terminal halls

Labs are made for you to gain some practical experience about the basic methods in image processing, image analysis and computer vision and learn how to solve some of the basic problems. We have chosen to use Matlab for this purpose. Matlab is frequently used in both research and industry, in particular for exploration of suitable methods. 

The easiest for the work is to use the machines in CSCs programming rooms. You may also use your own laptop. In that case you need to download these files and set the path to the different directories of functions and images.


If you already have a CSC user account, you will use this one throughout the course. Otherwise, you have to contact Delphi (system group) that will give you one (take a valid ID with you).

Course information

In case you like to used the machines in the CSC computer halls, all the info and resources you will need for the lab work is under


There is a modulefile


that will be loaded directly you log in once you have joined the course using

course join bildat12

Do this ASAP!


Course directory

The course directory includes the following subdirectories:

Functions:  A small set of Matlab-functions for handling and displaying of images.

Images-mat:  Test images stored in Matlab binary and compact format.

The image in such a file thisimage.mat is stored as a Matlab variable and can be loaded into Matlab as

load thisimage

After loading the image, you may find the name of the variable using e.g. who.

Images-m: Test images stored in a more memory intensive ASCII-format.

The image of type thatimage.m is represented as a Matlab function and can be loaded with e.g.

x = thatimage;

If you happen to forget the ending semi-colon you will easilly remember it for the next time.

Images: Test images in JPEG- and TIFF-format.

The images in a animage.jpg or animage.tiff format, can be loaded with

hund1 = double(imread('animage.jpg')); 
hund2 = double(imread('animage.tiff'));

If the search paths $MATLABPATH at CSCs UNIX-system are correctly set, you should have access to these functions and images, once you have started up Matlab. Before doing so, you better check whether these paths are included:


 If you are using you own machine the corresponding paths should also be set.