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Version skapad av Karl Meinke 2015-01-15 16:06

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Laboratory Exercises

Lab Contents Submission deadline

Lab 1

(a) Exercise sheet 1

End of Period 3

Lab 2

(a) Exercise sheet 2

End of Period 3

Lab 3

(a) Exercise sheet 3

(b) Instructions.pdf (c) bitshift.smv (d) carcontroller.smv

(e) examples.zip  NOTE 5 documents!

End of Period 3

Lab 4

Exercise sheet 4 (optional)

(b) exercise-skeleton.zip

End of Period 3

To pass the course you must complete and submit lab 1, 2 and 3 assignments.

Lab 4 is an optional lab (more information about grading soon to be given by Karl in class and posted here).