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Recitation #1

Equal credit per question (2.5pts). I will not mark correctness of your answers, just how many you answered. Please write the number you answered (of 40) in the box in the upper right corner of the answer sheet. At the first recitation (Wednesday 6th April) hand in your
answer sheet and then you will be randomly picked to present solutions on board. Make a copy of your answer sheet prior to class if you want to use it during presentation.



If you are really struggling with this recitation, my advice is for you to drop the course. We are going into the belly of beast in this course: physical storage, indexes, query optimization and execution, and the theory and practice of transactions. Moreover there will be a quiz on you comprehension of the database Redbook. If you are stumbling on this recitation, you will have a difficult time with recitation #2,  #3 and the quiz.

Lärare Michael Minock skapade sidan 26 mars 2015

Lärare Michael Minock ändrade rättigheterna 27 mars 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 30 mars 2015


As the banner has still not been removed from the course page, I am wondering whether or not this first recitation is supposed to take place on the 1st of April?


Lärare kommenterade 30 mars 2015

Yes it is 1 st April.

kommenterade 30 mars 2015

Just to clarify, in question 10, when talking "SQL database modification commands" are we talking database structure, data, or both?

Lärare kommenterade 30 mars 2015

Just data. Not structure. 

kommenterade 31 mars 2015

On the last question, number 40, are we supposed to answer on the same format as the transaction are written or with an SQL query?

Lärare kommenterade 31 mars 2015


kommenterade 31 mars 2015

Could it be that the query in 33 is supposed to read:

with recursive R(eid, boss, k) as (
select eid, boss, 1 from E where name = 'Ignatius'
select e.eid, e.boss, r.k+1 from E e, R r
where r.boss = e.eid)
select name, k from R natural join E order by k desc;

Thank you for your help!