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Recitation #3



1. r_1(x), r_2(x), w_1(x),w_2(x)

Write the DSG for the above schedule.
Is this schedule conflict serializable?
Is this schedule view serializable?

2. w_2(z),r_1(x),r_1(y),r_2(y),w_1(x),r_2(x),w_2(y),w_1(z),w_2(z)

Is this schedule conflict serializable?
Is this schedule view serializable?

3. Assume that the following schedule with locks is executed over a SVCC mechansm.

rlk_1(x), r_1(x), rlk_2(x), wlk_1(x),w_1(x),ulk_1(x),cmt_1, wlk_2(x),w_2(x),ulk_2(x), cmt_2

Describe what happens.
Does this schedule respect 2PL, SS2PL (AKA Rigorous), Conservative 2PL?


Run these system exercises on PostgreSQL version 9.1 or greater.

4. Consider that we have concurrent transactions of the following form:

  select amount from account where id=1;
  select amount from account where id=2;
  -- here the host program checks if there are positive funds in account 1.
  update account set amount = amount - 10 where id = 1;
  update account set amount = amount + 10 where id = 2;

The initial state of the database is

Account (id, amount)
          1      10
          2      10


Under which conditions is the amount in account 1 able to dip below 0?

(Extra) If you are really interested, write a script that launches
many concurrent money transfer transactions under these three isolation
levels. Document the performance (i.e. throughput).

5. Consider two transaction T1 and T2

T1 updates the amount of account for id 1, then updates the amount of
account for id 2. T2 does the same, but updates account for id 2 then id 1.
Create a deadlock under serializable and describe what happens.

6. Consider that we have two concurrent transactions of the following

  select amount from account where id=1;
  -- here the host program compounds amount by 10% and stores in local
  -- variable X
  update account set amount = X where id = 1;

Why is this big time trouble? How would you fix it?

Problems 7-12*

Consider we have 2 runways and three time slots that planes may
land. We represent the initial state of this problem in the following

runway time_slot flight condition
     1         1   NULL      fair
     1         2   NULL      fair
     1         3   NULL      fair
     2         1   NULL      fair
     2         2   NULL      fair
     2         3   NULL      fair   

Note that runway and time_slot are a primary key of the table and should be declared so!

Two transactions (T_1 and T_2) want access to this table
concurrently. In the problems that follow, always run T_1 before T_2,
but start T_2 before T_1 commits, but after T_1 has executed its
UPDATE operation. Use ps_sleep to automate this process. Always run
the transactions over the initial state of the database above**. For
each of the problems below, run under all 9 possible permutations of
SERIALIZABLE) and group resulting behaviors into equivalence
classes. For example case 1: T_1 under RC, T_2 under RC; case 2 T_1
under RC, T_2 under RR; case 3. ... Think about what you can conclude
from these observations and be ready to discuss.

7. T_1: Book flight SK123 for runway 1 at time 1
T_2: Book flight DY321 for runway 1 at time 1

8. T_1: Book flight SK123 for runway 1 at time 1
T_2: Book flight DY321 for runway 1 at time 2

9. T_1: Book flight SK123 for runway 1 at time 1
T_2: Set condition = 'rain' for runway 1 at time 1

10. T_1: Select the available runways for time 1, wait 20 seconds, and book the lowest number runway for SK123.
T_2: Select the available runways for time 1, wait 20 seconds, and book the lowest number runway for DY321.

Note you should start T_2 as T1 is 'waiting 20' seconds.

11. Define a PostgreSQL rule that guards against updates that allow for two flights being booked on the same runway in consecutive time steps.

12. Rerun problem 7 under with the rule of 11 defined.

* Problems 7-12 are modeled loosely on the exercises given in Steve
Hegner's Database Systems course.

** Sorry, but there is likely strange behaviour in PostgrSQL when all
the tuples fit in a single page/block. So it is advisable to generate an
initial database with say 1000 time slots and 50 runways. That will
insure that more than one page/block is being utilized.

Lärare Michael Minock skapade sidan 27 mars 2015

Lärare Michael Minock ändrade rättigheterna 7 maj 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 12 maj 2015

A very last minute question to all the lovely students of this course.

How do you get the transactions to run at the same time in psql? I'm on windows and there doesn't seem to be any way to do it in pgadmin.... pg_sleep sleeps everything so the other query doesn't even start. Help would be highly appreciated!

kommenterade 12 maj 2015

open two shells, connect to psql in both, run T1 in one and T2 in the other. 

kommenterade 5 maj 2016

Question regarding problem 3:

In step 8, T2 requests a write lock for x. Presently, T1 has no locks, and T2 has a read lock on x. That means T2 is allowed to upgrade from a read lock to a write lock using the upgrade request, unless I'm mistaken. However, it simply requests a write lock. Can we assume that the request is granted, but essentially parsed as an upgrade request, or is it denied because a write lock on x is only granted given there are no read locks on x?

kommenterade 5 maj 2016

Also, what does ***NOTE THIS IS PURELY OPTIONAL*** mean at the top of the page?

Lärare kommenterade 6 maj 2016

Means you do not have to do this recitation.

Lärare kommenterade 6 maj 2016

In problem 3, T1 never gets a chance to release her locks. She is waiting for T1 to release read lock. When T2 tries to upgrade in step 8, she too must wait. This is a deadlock. 

kommenterade 10 maj 2016

Will there be a discussion of the recitation tomorrow? Is anyone going to show up?

Lärare kommenterade 10 maj 2016

Sorry this is cancelled.